Why are so many Jehovah’s Witnesses Angry and Rude?

by Vanderhoven7 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    Why do you think many JWs are hostile and rude? Or is that just my imagination?

    Mark Jones writes: The vast majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses are nice people. They strive to be honest and try their best to do what they’ve been told their god wants them to do.

    The angry, hostile and rude Jehovah’s Witnesses you find on forums are not representative of the whole bunch. They’re not even supposed to be on here as their leaders forbid it. They’re often committing a disfellowshipping offense by communicating with former members - the irony is lost upon them.

    The reasons they’re rude is due to one or more of the following factors:

    • Critiquing the organization feels like a personal attack. This is common of cult members.
    • They know it’s not the truth. But they’ve invested so much time, energy and effort into it that they’re playing out a sunk cost fallacy. If they leave, they have to acknowledge that they’ve wasted their lives and achieved nothing in all that time.
    • Jealousy. We’re living happy, fulfilling lives and they’ve been told to wait until after Armageddon before they get to live their lives.
    • They believe themselves to be intelligent but passed up going to University because Armageddon was supposed to have come by now. "
    • Other?
  • enoughisenough
    other: they are taught by the GB to consider us filthy apostates...not deserving of life...so it is ok to be rude, even hostile.
  • joao

    If they shun their own blood because some old guys tell them to, they can do everything and feel great about it!

  • enoughisenough

    another thought: that is the person they really are when no one is looking...just put on their happy face for others in the KH. I knew a man who was a "hateful devil" with his wife, but the friends at the hall thought he was wonderful...generous, and fun, helpful to anyone in need.

  • TonusOH
    Vanderhoven7: They’re not even supposed to be on here as their leaders forbid it.

    I think this is an important part of it. They are so upset at the thought that others are criticizing the organization, that they will violate the command to avoid any interaction with apostates and "enemies." This means that they probably took steps to be as anonymous as possible, and anonymity gives people more freedom to push limits when interacting with others. They feel free to be as nasty as they want, since they are not going to answer for it in their real lives and after all, they are attacking people who are as bad as the Devil and condemned by God to eternal death.

    The notion that they are risking their own eternal life hopes for the thrill of arguing on the internet is lost on them, for reasons I cannot fathom. The GB makes it quite clear that they are taking their lives in their hands by reading a forum like this, much less interacting with apostates.

  • waton

    some jws realize that the sheep are supposed to be meek and put up and shut up, victims will be blamed by the wt writers, hounders, so these jw non-christians think they can get away with being rude, even exploitive, and enjoy that freedom to the hilt.

    you are also not supposed to sue your brother or sister, so that perceived immunity extends into the court system, the police in case of serious wrongdoing done to the docile.

  • LongHairGal


    No, it is not your imagination especially lately. There are some angry older JWs because the pandemic wasn’t the End they’d hoped for. Now they have to carry on in spite of age and inadequate (or no) preparation for retirement. They were supposed to be in the promised ‘New System’ by now.

    An acquaintance was sounding like the wicked witch saying ‘they were warned’! In truth, though, if it were a Real warning work they’d be using the media and billboards, etc.

    In general, I believe a few teachings of the JWs leads people to believe they can do and be forgiven for just about anything: the Adamic death thing which supposedly wipes the slate clean; the forgive your ‘brother’ and not sue; some pioneers imagining people are supposed to tolerate them; and the few very old timers who imagine because they knew some ‘important’ people in the old days it gives them a ‘pass’.. These beliefs and mindsets are responsible for some of the arrogant attitudes I remember seeing and partly why I wanted no dealings with people there.

  • DarleneGatus

    A JW man once tried to warn his family into submission by telling them that if he ever left the JW faith, he would become a terrible person.

    Apparently all that peace and love training doesn't change who a person really is should the mask ever come off.

    And the mask does tend to come off in places like forums where all are encouraged to speak freely and there seem to be no consequences for angry, rude behavior.

  • Hellothere
    They are bitter.
  • Hopeless1

    They are vindictive.

    They feel the need to justify themselves as being the ‘only true Christian’s’ on the planet, consider that the rest of us are misled and need converting or that we are incorrigible and deserving of destruction, - either way it makes them feel better to tell us about it.

    The principles laid down in the sermon on the mount are totally lost on them!

    And they can also count time, perhaps?

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