I had another thought...they don't like themselves and have to take it out on someone else. The reason they don't like themselves is they know they are doing something they feel they shouldn't be doing. They are likely into more than just looking at "apostate" sites.
Why are so many Jehovah’s Witnesses Angry and Rude?
by Vanderhoven7 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Perhaps it’s a result of sexual frustration.
I have been out for a long time but the unfortunate part for me is my wife is still in.
Once a while I would go to the kitchen in the middle of a zoom meeting and catch some of the meeting. It is insane once you put distance between yourself and it and hear some of it. It is so bloody hate filled.
Boast and Slander
Eschatology based nonsense
Boast and Slander
Eschatology based nonsense
Everybody sing.
Stupid, just effing stupid.
Jw's have been promised the moon and Watchtower so far has delivered nothing. You would be mad too. Why they stay in I don't understand?
That’s just it. The religion itself is NOT able to deliver these promises and never has been. They were promising everybody that somebody else, namely God, is going to do these things.
Of course, they made it sound like they had a direct pipeline to God. Then in recent years they finally admitted they are not inspired.
So, now what you have are many older JWs who sacrificed (unnecessarily) for many years and are tired of waiting. But, the religion cannot make this ‘paradise’ happen. They just whet everybody’s appetite with tantalizing artwork and speculation, in my opinion.
" If you mean on line, then they are very defensive and if they think you are one of “those apostates” they won’t think you deserve politeness. "
Yes ! I have crossed swords with a few on line. What also annoys me, and it is a subtle form of rudeness, is they condescendingly talk down to you, when trying to explain or justify J.W beliefs, little do they know that most of us know more than them about those beliefs !
As someone else pointed out, they soon descend in to an Ad Hominem attack, then Report you, and Block you. The other despicable move is to accuse us of lying, but never say what untruth we have told !
Rudeness and ignorance abound in the J.W org, even the D to D is rude really, calling on someone uninvited to sell your brand of nonsense is not Polite !
Doctor Who
"Why are so many Born Again Christians angry and rude?"
"Why are so many Catholics angry and rude?"
"Why are so many atheists angry and rude?"
"Why are so many Democrats angry and rude?"
"Why are so many Americans angry and rude?"
Broad brushes can be a bitch sometimes...
Before I got here, I checked out some reddit postings...lots of angry, rude people there...and some here as well . Also, before looking at any exjw sites, I would notice comments on videos which were obviously from ex jw, and they were usually somewhat hateful.
It's true that JWs do not have a monopoly on anger and rudeness.
But actually, I haven't run into any Catholics or born-agains who are angry and rude. And actually I find just about everyone on this forum to be rather congenial. I haven't seen many labeled liars, or hate mongers or children of the devil around here.
But this is definitely not the case with the JWs I am interacting with on Quara.
My one and only XJW acquaintance/friend has pretty much returned to the fold.😥 I finally asked her and she was so excited to tell me all about how much she loves jw.org (yes, loves!) and it's all changed and they 'splain everything -- talks are all video-taped or something. How loving it is and when very ill with Covid how many soups, etc., left at her door and these people don't even know her (aren't they the same oldies as were there before -- it's a very aged hall -- she's studying again and quite knowledgeable re/Bible per old WT interpretation as well as attended many churches after walking away w/elder hubs then a divorce - he was popular elder/schmoozed re/his background moved up the ranks fast and she was accepted w/open arms aside from her high falutin education even studied with the Mormans. I was exasperated from racing thru store picking up alterations/whatnot and finally having fun looking thru fall, vampy and red lippy colors and all the glitz eyeshadows age doesn't allow 🥲then I had to find all this out! Talk about a glam-time meltdown. Plus she loves wearing dresses and the all new wardrobe. Last I checked dresses are a standard attire item to wear everywhere even to the drugstore. I can't take it.
Wonder how many have returned since Covid. People so frightened (I get it!) and clinging to any hope/justice.
I must start reading what I blather before clicking off.