What good does it do me to know I have coronavirus? It is just a cold--my system treats it as a stupid cold, just like the other 4 coronaviruses that just cause colds. And, the microchip is likely to falsely ID one of them as the covid19 virus. Besides, I can simply take quercetin as long as the virus is a potential threat, since that is a supplement and works with nature instead of against it as drugs do.
What will be the RFID chip vehicle is the vaccine, required and all, for this cold. Once you get this shot, you will get a chip to prove you had it, and it will be required. That is coming worldwide, and soon--I doubt that Trump, with his cold plus the drug cocktail (including stuff we don't know about making him sicker), will be allowed to remain in office (between this and the riots coming unless Biden is the clear winner). Biden, and then Harris, or Pelosi, will ensure we all get mandatory coronavirus shots (for what amounts to a cold).