That sounds like America Envy to me. It's all insult with nothing behind it but the belief that the United States should be similar to your country. If you are from Europe, then you live in a country that can't stand on its own two feet. And you want us to like you?
Is this how people will be microchipped soon?
by Kosonen 18 Replies latest jw friends
The kind of mark Revelation has in mind is simply the opposite of the name of Jesus. Some were sealed for Jesus, some for the beast below. The idea of a chip implant is very possible though and and is of course a dream scenario for the marxist powers that want to control people completely
Vienne, you have to forgive jealous Europeans. Freedom is under attack, but you stil have more of it in USA
Vienna- I’m in a country where the only incidence of corona virus is from people entering the country who have been placed in quarantine. At the onset the whole country was shut down, and those that chose not to comply were publicly named and shamed. To be fair I think the country got off reasonably lightly with regards to deaths and impact to the economy.
The incidence of gun related murders are very low, purely because the laws to obtain a gun are just so strict. Even in the worst areas of the city, I would still feel it ok to walk around there no problems. The biggest city in this country is always listed in the top 10 cities in the world in which people chose to live. So I guess go figure.
In other words you live in a very small country where the citizens are dependent on the government, where you pay unconscionably high taxes for little return and where you have no real personal freedoms. Yup, America-envy at work
Some were sealed for Jesus, some for the beast below.
Not quite. The 'beast' in the latter part of Revelation chapter 13 represented Nero. There is no basis for "below" in the text.
The idea of a chip implant is very possible though and and is of course a dream scenario for the marxist powers that want to control people completely
Vienne- I guess compared to America, yes it is a small country.
Unreasonably high taxes, probably no more than any where else, and comparable to America. We have state supplied medical care, accident compensation, and pensions for all citizens. We are also held up as an example, internationally, for the quick response and the way in which the pandemic was handled. Another reason for the top five spaces in the worlds best cities.
Pluses for America. Cheap fuel, food, consumables due to economies of scale, but that been said I’d much rather pay twice the cost in gas to know I’m going to get free medical care if I need it.
Jeffro, I think it is safe never to seperate human world powers with the satanic powers behind them. Compare to Ezekiel 28-29, Revelation 12 and the doctrine in Daniel 10:13
Well, yes, of course, but my question is.... do the alien lizard-beings fit into all of this?