Submitting a DA letter and walking away?

by Jourles 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joe_from_kokomo

    Maverick: I'm from the South, too - right on, right on, and I think your concept is rad. I took a few minutes to revise your original BN Letter (I found all the prior postings by searching for "B N"), and here it is. I hope you don't mind the revisions - not trying to plagiarize, just legalize.

    I invite any attorneys out there to pick at my phraseology to their hearts content. The more refined this is the better, and then it can be a tool for anyone to use who really wants to get out and wants to use this a vehicle to do so:

    RE: Statement of Baptism Nullification for <YOUR NAME GOES HERE>

    To Whom it may concern:

    After months of careful study of the scriptures, and diligent and reflective meditation with regard to my love for and relationship with the One True God, Jehovah, and His Son, Jesus Christ, as of this date <DATE GOES HERE>, I, <YOUR NAME GOES HERE> am officially requesting that you nullify my verbal agreement known as my "Baptism".

    It is commonly known that the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society is the primary legal corporation, which directs through a governing body, the meetings held by the local corporations at each local Kingdom Hall, as ratified by the membership at each Kingdom Hall. Regular correspondences from "The Corporation" to the local Kingdom Hall groups affirm this fact. This body of men maintains complete hierarchical control over each Kingdom Hall in the United States, as has been proven in numerous court cases. Henceforth, this "corporate governing body" of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society shall be referred to as "The Corporation" in this formal written declaration.

    "The Corporation" claims to be the legal directors and the sole religious representatives of Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ on Earth for all mankind- a claim that cannot be substantiated. I, in good conscience, conclude that this, along with other similar claims made by "The Corporation", constitute an invalidation of any implied agreement, verbal or otherwise, made by me in good faith with the religious group then known as "Jehovah's Witnesses" during my baptismal ceremony on <YOUR BAPTISM DATE GOES HERE> .

    My baptism pledge which occurred on the aforementioned date was orchestrated by what I erroneously believed to be a singularly religious body, in accordance with their stated claim that via Jehovah's Witnesses instruction I could have a viable relationship with Jehovah God and His Son, and enjoy the benefits of "life forever in paradise on Earth". My recent Bible study has found that these claims of "The Corporation" are not substantiated in God's Word, the Bible.

    I also believe that my baptism did not occur with informed consent, as should be part of any valid contractual arrangement. To be specific, I do not believe that I was fully informed as to the complete nature of the belief system of the Jehovah's Witnesses, as directed by "The Corporation", on or before my baptism. Moreover, all of the doctrines and beliefs, as well as their manner of enforcement, were not made known to me prior to my baptism.

    At that time, there was a great deal of peer pressure and coercion from our local congregation to follow through with the baptism event, with many of our questions left unanswered. I was also suffering at that time from <YOUR MENTAL PROBLEM GOES HERE>, from which I am only now recovering with medical assistance.

    "The Corporation" has proven to be in violation of the implied intention of its religious sub-partner in this contractual arrangement. "The Corporation" inserts unconditional loyalty to itself as proof of loyalty to God and His Son. This was made effective by the change made in the aforementioned baptismal pledge in 1985, one of many points a new baptismal candidate is totally unaware of a the time of his or her baptism. Furthermore, "The Corporation" requires that all members believe that all writings of "The Corporation' are inspired by God and requires of its members absolute acceptance of its interpretations of scriptural meanings, world events and trends. Never, when giving my verbal affirmation at my baptismal swearing in was it my intention to be a party to, or a willing member of, any corporation with such a manifesto. Therefore, my baptism was formulated under dubious and misleading pretenses, and consequently any resulting conditions of this alleged contractual membership are unenforceable, null and void under contractual law.

    This request for baptismal nullification asserts no malicious intent as to the motive of "The Corporation". Neither should this letter be considered a letter of disassociation. By this letter, I am stating that my status within the community at large is the same as a person who was never baptized. "The Corporation" is hereby instructed to amend my membership status in accordance with this statement on any and all official records of the aforementioned "Corporation", and its corporate and or religious affiliations.

    This statement is not subject to interpretation, or any internal judicial review, or AD HOMINEN attacks.

    Finally, "The Corporation" is instructed to send me a letter affirming this status change immediately, as written proof of its compliance.



    <Date goes here>

  • Roddy

    >>This last week I downloaded the NGO letters posted here and sent copies Monday morning to all the JW gossip mongers I knew and put this PO's return address on them. My spies told me they had an Elders meeting Wed. night that was very heated. I'm not done yet! Maverick<<

    You bad boy ... I love it! That ranks right up there with the suggestion to call the WTS, give your name as the PO, and start asking questions as to why we need to believe in a Faithful and Descreet Slave.

    HA HA

  • Roddy

    >>Statement of Baptism Nullification <<

    This is good. Nice and legal sounding, covers your assets, and tells it likes it is.

    Were you ever an insider in the WTS Legal Dept? Bravo at sticking it to them with their own methods! But serioiusly, God bless you! This could be the loophole for those that want to leave The Org peacefully while still holding-on to and maintaining their dear relationships of family and friends still stuck in there.

  • izobcenec

    Great stuff! Do we have a lawyer on this forum?

  • Maverick

    Dear Jourles: I didn't mean to take over this thread. How are you doing? Keep us updated on your situation.

    I was never at Olympus,(Brooklyn). I am a high-end specialty contractor. I have to read contracts and look for the loopholes to CYA.

    Keep it mind what I said before, the J-dud Masters talk out of both sides of their mouths. Officially, I am free to be me. But the 'word' went out fast through the unoffical J-dud media, (gossip) that I have horns and a pitchfork! I am well loved by my female admirers and respected by a few of the brothers so I get all kinds of inside crap on the local J-dud Masters. What I am saying is the duds will treat you like they are told to treat you regardless. God himself could vouch for you and the duds would not listen if the locals said different. Maverick

  • gumby

    "The Corporation" claims to be the legal directors and the sole religious representatives of Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ on Earth for all mankind- a claim that cannot be substantiated. I, in good conscience, conclude that this, along with other similar claims made by "The Corporation", constitute an invalidation of any implied agreement, verbal or otherwise, made by me in good faith with the religious group then known as "Jehovah's Witnesses"

    What prevents them from daying...."to late, you signed the contract?"

    When a person is baptised as a dub, this subject is understood and answerd in the affirmative......that being you recognise this channel as truth.


  • izobcenec

    what about this: baptizm is only a SYMBOL of a personal dedication to jehovah,
    what if you say, that you didn't dedicate yourself to jehovah, because that wasn't
    explained to you properly, so the symbol of your dedication just isn't valid. no
    dedication means no valid baptizm. thoughts?

  • gumby

    what if you say, that you didn't dedicate yourself to jehovah, because that wasn't
    explained to you properly

    Ignorance of the LAW is no excuse.......too late.


  • Maverick

    True, ignorance is no excuss, but duplicity is! The claim is that I was lied to and that I acted in good faith and they were deceitful. Gumby, ignorance on the law is usually applied when the accussed is standing before the STATE not some corporation.

    My claim is that the Corporation surperseded their realigious subpartner. I never knowingly made a vow to any corporation. This corporation inserted itself between me and my vow to God. That was my reasoning. They, on the other hand, do not want to go there at all. They do not want the business to enter into the picture. So they changed my status and got rid of me. And then they could put whatever spin on it they wanted. The results to them is the same...neutralize this person and move on. I understand self-promotion, so I made lots of copies and blitzed the whole county with my BN letter. Made a big stink! I feel if I had just sent in the letter they would have DF'd me and told me Tough Shit pal! But because I went public they were careful how they handled it. If you use the right approch you can get out of any contract, I know, I have done it!

    In summary, I think as J-duds we were trained to roll over and take it. J-duds give in too easily, they rat themselves out at the drop of a hat. Just because they say it, don't make it so! Make them work for it, and if I've learned one thing in my time as a Dud, NEVER TELL THEM ANYTHING THEY CAN HURT YOU WITH! Maverick

  • peacefulpete

    Maverick... Does not the change in vows since 1986 or so that express allegiance to the organization as well as to Jehvah complicate matters? Also does the age of the person baptised(a minor) bear on the ability to affiliate with a corporation? I know some of this has been asked before but this seems a new angle. Also I am assuming that you then have not been DAd but persons have personally decided to avoid you as "bad association". Correct?

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