Does "My Body, My Choice" still work? Or, is that only for abortion?
Why the COVID-19 vaccine mandate is wrong
by Brock Talon 37 Replies latest members politics
It is becoming a peoples control strategy.
This was NEVER about government protecting people or caring, it was however ALWAYS about control. Anyone who believes that the taste of control that has been taken by government will ever be relinquished is naive.
Does "My Body, My Choice" still work? Or, is that only for abortion?
Only for abortion!!!
I thought the requirement for people who work in hospitals or old people’s homes to get vaccinated made sense, because it’s important to protect vulnerable people...
Oddly, if you believe the current narrative that the vaccines may provide immunity, or at least help with the disease symptoms, but doesn't prevent you from spreading the virus, then vaccinating the workers around the most vulnerable may make things worse. The vaccinated workers could go out to Walmart, get infected, never develop symptoms and spread it to all the patients.
Brock Talon
But stop blaming Biden, because he is not in control. He is just a senile old man that has been selected to be manipulated by the machine. They would put peanut butter in his mouth and dub his audio if they could.
Biden is the President of the United States. Biden made the statements I referred to in my post. If things were going well, Biden would get the credit. So, when things go poorly, he should likewise get the blame.
I am not qualified to diagnose others with senility or dementia, few people are, especially from just seeing them on TV. If he were to officially be diagnosed with some form of dementia, cognitive disorder or even the old term "senility," then he should be impeached under the 25th amendment and removed. Up until then, I hold the President responsible for his actions and I judge him based on the results of those actions. Unlike most Leftist, I care about the actual policies of my politicians and I judge their worth based on results of their policies. I do not judge my political opinions of politicians based on personality, emotion, political correctness, rhetoric, platitudes and the like.
Beside, who exactly is "the machine" you are referring to? Who is the "they?" that should get the blame? Give me a name please? Jill Biden? Nancy Pelosi? The Clintons? The Illuminati? The Rothchilds? Hollywood? Bill Gates? Pick your boogey man.
I try to base my postings on facts and logic, not emotion, even though I do have a LOT of emotion about the things I post. -
I'm pretty sure the constitutionality of compulsory vaccines has been to the Supreme Court once already.
But, (And this is a huge caveat...) the vaccine in question was for smallpox, which is a disease with a 30%+ mortality rate.
I doubt if the court would make the same decision today.
Brock Talon
I'm pretty sure the constitutionality of compulsory vaccines has been to the Supreme Court once already.
Very true, TD. And an interesting point. However, this Supreme court decision had many differences between the Biden mandate:
- The decision was upholding an actual law enacted by a State through its normal legislative process. It was not an executive order (which is not a law) mandated by the Federal Government (meaning one person: Joe Biden)
- That Mass. state law was CAREFULLY crafted, so the court could easily find reasons to side with it. Joe Biden's mandate is most certainly not carefully crafted at all (per my 11 talking points in this post.)
- The effect of violating the Mass. law resulted in a $5 fine. Which is about $155 in today's dollars. Nothing like the $5,000 to $14,000 numbers being tossed around by the Biden administration.
- The Mass. state law simply fined the individual, it did not go after an individual's employer, which is psychologically threatening on a whole different level. The Biden approach threatens a person's ability to make a living, which is outrageous.
- As you rightly noted, this was about a proven high mortality rate pandemic with a proven immunization for it. The COVID-19 mortality rate is nowhere near that (even if you take the exaggerated numbers of people dying WITH the virus vs. dying FROM it) and to-date the COVID vaccines efficacy and origin appears to be more dubious by the day.
- Many laws since that time have been enacted and decided upon in court that LIMIT government overreach just like that decision.
The decision was upholding an actual law enacted by a State through its normal legislative process. It was not an executive order (which is not a law) mandated by the Federal Government (meaning one person: Joe Biden)
Biden is "TESTING THE WATERS" to see how much he can get away with. This is how Dictatorships BEGIN.
Fortunately 26 States have already filed lawsuit against the Biden Administration. So there is still many people who are willing to fight for freedom
"Refusing to wear a mask is a violation of federal law; passengers may be subject to penalties under federal law, denied boarding, removed from the train, and banned from future travel in the event of noncompliance," Amtrak states.
But Democrat politicians are EXEMPT.
I agree that Biden is a puppet.
Really? Does ANYONE doubt that? The man is an imbecile. Jill has to help him pull up his Depends.
But, WTF is running the show? And why? What motives?