Did you read this study articel in which the Slave says it is not appointed yet? Errors excepted.
Excerpt from study articel 13 7/15 p 8
So there is good reason for us to understand Matthew 24:46, 47 to mean that Jesus will arrive to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings at that time in the future during the great tribulation.* (See endnote.) Jesus’ prophecy shows that all eight of these scriptures that mention his coming refer to the time of judgment during the great tribulation.
If the FDS - faithful and discreet slave /group of men leading Jehovash witnesses - has not been appointed 1918 over the belongings of our faith - belongings like feeding, supervision, shepherding and providing spiritual food, providing the NWT of the bible, new headquarters and not to forget providing judgicial commitee instructions and providing legal representation in case of members face gross loss of blood - then why should anybody listen to it?
Everything written and taught since 1918 was not authorized by jesus christ at all! It erroneously wrote Watchtower study articles and seduced members to think it was appointed by jesus 1918. Can anyone lead us without being appointed? Didnt the Watchtower leaders lead astray christians herewith, was not that the proclamation "Here I am", as if they were the sole slave who followed Jesus*footsteps?.
So Watchtower s Leaders are simply like all other christians urged to be faitfhul but they are not appointed over all belongings of Jehovahs witnesses, they write it themselves in their own magazin, they can only hope to get appointed in the future. So they have no authority over us at all to ask us to come back.
I will follow the Watchtower only if it should happen - some day - in the great tribulation that Jesus will appoint these men effectively over all belongings. But this is actually to happen in the future as announced the Watchtower 2015.
This contradicts the official statements that the faitful slave is identical with the governing body and that the GB has the authority over all JWs already NOW.
Errors excepted!
Happy weekend all.