Lifetime Regret for Not Expressing my Love to a Non-JW

by a-JW-girl 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • a-JW-girl

    I want to impart some advice from my life experience that I hope will help others in a similar situation and prevent them from making the same mistakes I did, ruining my life. To begin with, I’m a 52-year-old single woman, I’ve been a devout JW since I was a little girl. I had an abusive dad who left my mom, my two sisters and me when we were fairly young. Our family is from South America, we used to be Roman Catholics. My mom decided to convert all of us to JW’s when we were young. Out of the four of us, I became the most devout. My mom and sisters did for a while but have come and gone over the years, I was really the only one who abided by all the rules, but I did bend them a bit with regard to the relationship I’ll mention here. I’m still a virgin, I’ve never cursed at all, went to services regularly, went out preaching, etc. I was a model JW. I consider myself an attractive woman. I’m South American, kind of short with long dark hair. I keep myself in shape with exercise and eating properly. Not to brag, but I have a very nice figure for a woman my age and I attract a lot of men. Men from the Hall have asked me out all the time and I have gone on dates occasionally, but nothing ever resulted in a long term or intimate relationship. I just never found another JW who I was seriously interested in.

    When I was in my late 20’s and in college, I got a job at a firm in New York City where my sister also worked. It was really nice, all the comforts and benefits of a big company. I didn’t mingle with too many others unless I knew they were JW’s just like I was supposed to do and even then, I spent very minimal time with them. Very superficial chatting and they were all women. I generally kept to myself. After I was there for a while, my sister introduced me to one of her friends at work, I think she used to work for him but I’m not sure. He was about 8 or 9 years older than me, very nice guy. He was married and had a couple of kids. If he was on the floor I worked on, he’d stop by and talk to me for a little while, which I thought was nice. A few times when I was eating (alone) in the cafeteria, reading the Bible or the Watchtower, he would be eating with his friends, and he’d leave them to come sit with me to keep me company. Again, a really nice guy…. but he wasn’t a JW, so I wasn’t supposed to associate with him, but I did. I was lonely. My sister eventually left the company and, as much as I know it isn’t allowed, this guy and I became very good friends. He met my mom a few times when she came to visit me and she liked him too, my youngest sister too. We’d go to breakfast every morning in our cafeteria and sometimes to lunch. Occasionally he’d go shopping with me at lunch or even sometimes after work. We emailed a lot and did the AOL IM thing too. He even came over my apartment a few times to help me with some things that needed done and he helped me move once too. He never once did anything inappropriate even though we were alone in my apartment. He never tried to kiss or grab me. He never even really flirted with me. When we saw each other, we’d sometimes hug and then hug goodbye, but that was it. He was ALWAYS there for me, always, always, always. Anything I needed or wanted; he was there. He did more for me than I could expect anyone to do even taking me to doctor’s appointments if I needed someone to take me home after being anesthetized or if I thought I was going to be in pain. My own family didn’t do as much for me and neither did my supposed friends from the Hall. As time went on, I began to develop feelings for him, I had never met a man like him before or since. He was, to be blunt, perfect for me and I think I was perfect for him. But him being married and not a JW, I never let it go too far in my mind. As the years went by, we became very, very close, not like a boyfriend/girlfriend thing where we held hands or kissed but I think we loved each other in our own way, it was definitely mutual. I could tell he cared for me, I was special to him. People at work would see us together all the time and I really think they thought we were dating, and he was cheating on his wife. For him to take that chance and appear to be cheating made me assume he really liked me. I actually told him I loved him on an occasion or two but made it clear it was a friend thing even though I really meant it as love for him as a potential husband. I loved him dearly and would wish I had met him before he was married.….. I had truly fallen in love with him and thought about him all the time. I found myself talking about him to my family when I’d see them. I was so confused. I eventually left the company to do other things, go to graduate school for a different career, but we kept in touch, and I’d come back, and we’d go to lunch, and he’d spend hours with me even though he was supposed to be working. There were a couple of occasions where I made what one could consider a slight “move” on him. Once was when I was in school, I came back to work to have lunch with him, and, like the dozens of times before, he insisted on paying for everything. I became overly emotional towards him and couldn’t resist so, without telling him, I grabbed his face and kissed him, on the cheek but near his lips. I did this in front of other people at the job, in the cafeteria. A normal person would’ve been angry for doing that at work to a married man, but he didn’t flinch, and I think appreciated it. The other time was when he was helping me with something in my apartment. We were in the bathroom and the entire ceiling had collapsed when the upstairs neighbor’s bathroom flooded. I was showing him the damage and when he was looking up at the ceiling, I stuck my chest out and rubbed my breasts on his arm a few times. I don’t think he noticed it was my breasts but if he did, he didn’t mention anything. I don‘t know what I was trying to accomplish or what I would’ve done if he responded.

    He always made time for me and always at my convenience. He devoted a lot of his time to me. At this point I was sure he was in love with me too and I think his wife and him were having issues which should’ve been my opportunity to find out if we had a future together. I should’ve just invited him over one night and ask him outright if he loved me. Instead, I did the exact opposite, I kind of pulled back and didn’t go to see him. He had asked me to stop by more often, but I kept making excuses why I couldn’t or extending the date. I was afraid of what might happen. I was afraid of showing my love for him and him rejecting me or even accepting me, I was torn. He got frustrated because he wanted to see me more often and we had an email fight, and we didn’t speak any longer. About a year or so later he texted me out of the blue and apologized for being coarse with me, but I didn’t respond right away and waited a day or so and then gave him a half-hearted response but also included a link to the JW website as an excuse for why I was so “busy”. It was lame and stupid. After I sent the text, I thought how thoughtless I was. He responded immediately and was very nice and sweet. Like an idiot, I waited almost 2 days to respond, and he had had it. He told me off…I deserved it. He had always made time for me, but I kept him waiting for 2 days to send a text. We got into an even worse text fight, and he said goodbye to me and promised he’d never speak to me again. About an hour after he sent that text, I realized I missed my chance, and I cried the rest of the afternoon at work. My heart was completely broken, I loved him so much and had a second chance but made the biggest mistake of my life.

    That was almost 10 years ago and, as he always has, he kept his word and has never contacted me. My sister and him are still friendly, but he doesn’t talk to her much any longer either and he doesn’t speak with my youngest sister at all either. I don’t think he wants to be bothered with anyone in my family any longer. We all have our own problems and I think he just had enough of it. I’ve come close to sending him a text so many times, but I haven’t done it. We’re both 25 years older now from when we first met, and nothing has changed. I still love him with all my heart but I’m afraid, if I contact him, he will tell me off again and I wouldn’t be able to stand the rejection.

    My point is that I should’ve done something about this a LONG time ago. I should’ve made the move. I should’ve told him I was truly in love with him. We were perfect for each other and even if he had said no and didn’t want to end his marriage, at least I would’ve known either way. Now I have no idea. I will always have this feeling that he was going to say yes and now, so many years later, we would’ve been married for a long time and my life would now be completely different and my heart would be full of love and joy instead of bitterness. I love and miss him so much I can’t begin to tell you how upset I am because I always followed everything a good JW was supposed to do, and nothing is working out for me in my personal life. I feel cheated. I feel like I wasted my entire life and I’ve turned into a miserable woman. I have no desire to meet a man, I have given up and have retreated even deeper into the religion and consume myself with it because there is nothing else left even though I know in the back of my mind it’s what destroyed my life in the first place. Please, please, please don’t make the same mistakes I made and let this happen to you. True love is much more important than anything else in your life, especially this “religion”.

  • carla

    You were having an emotional affair and you regret not breaking up his family for your own pleasure? you regret not having his kids grow up with a dad in their house and loving their mother? you have lived 25 years in a fantasy of your own making and continue to fantasize about what could have been?

    Simply because you two didn't actually have sex doesn't mean that your relationship wasn't completely inappropriate in normal circumstances much less for a jw.

    I would be of the opinion that you need therapy to live out what days you have left in joy and learn how to let go of this fantasy you have in your head. Pining away for years and years for what may or may not have been reality is not healthy. You also need help to navigate the whole jw thing as well and learn how to leave it behind as well. It is a toxic cult. Please find a counselor to help you through this.

  • Simon

    Everyone has some regrets of choices not taken, but there's no guarantee that choice would have been a better or happier one. The fantasies we build in our mind rarely have the mundane pressures of day-to-day life - working, paying bills, doing chores.

    There's a poem I remember from English at school, where the author is imagining living in a village they see from a train, picturing a life they might have had. But it's quickly gone with a jolt of the carriage, and the idle musings of course amount to nothing ...

  • enoughisenough

    It's a sad day when one regrets doing the right thing! Breaking up someone's marriage is just plain wrong!

  • Ron.W.

    I sympathise.

    I met the greatest girl ever in the truth when we were both very young teenagers over forty years ago..

    So many twists and turns, almost got together so many times. But life kept getting in the way. In so many ways, far too complicated to recount here..

    We know how we both feel about each other.. we still keep in touch...maybe one day we will be together.

    If not, we have had many amazing times and been there for each other.

    Life is complicated. Live in the moment. Enjoy remembering the good things from the past and don't dwell too much on what could have been.

    As long as you are both above ground, who knows what the future holds, so just take one day at at time and live your life fully.

    You could write to the man - we have written down our feelings for each other many times over the years and that communication has helped.

    Just my two cents.

    I truly understand your plight.

    Best Wishes


  • a-JW-girl

    I have read some of the replies here are I do agree and completely understand with what all of you you're saying and I appreciate your candor. Yes, I have been in therapy for many years for this and a few other things, mainly the effect of being a JW has had on my life. My therapist is not at all sympathetic with me continuing to be a JW which she blames for almost all of my issues. I have been going regularly but I don't think it's doing any good at all which is completely my fault for refusing the change but I just can't help it. Maybe it eventually will.

    The one thing I don't think most of you understand is that this isn't some kind of flash in the pan where I madly fell in love with him at first sight. I met a lot of men both in and out of the Hall before, during and since I met him so it's not like I was sheltered or had a lack of choices. This one was simply the right one as our relationship developed naturally. Neither of us were looking for this to happen. It just did. The fit was just right and we both obviously saw something in each other for it to get this far. This goes back to the late 90's and developed very gradually as our relationship grew and we really got to know each other.

    One issue I didn't bring up was that he had suspected his wife was cheating on him a couple of years after they had their second child. He made enough money where she could stay home and be a full time mom and she had a lot of time on her hands. He confided this to me and he actually cried about it in his office saying that he didn't want to lose her but he felt like a fool. That kind of came and went and he never brought it up again and neither did I. I has assumed they worked it out.

    I completely understand about breaking up his family which was probably the driving force behind me never letting him know my true feelings and eventually shunning him. It was always in the back of my mind.

    I truly believe our feelings for each other was real, but unspoken, and I absolutely knew he was also in love with me. Ironically, I became sure of that from how he reacted when I decided to not see him any longer. He became very hurt which was a constant theme he mentioned in our email/text fight. He had never acted that way towards me before, I never saw that side to him. He really wanted to see me regularly which, I guess, scared me. If he felt ambivalent towards me none of that would've happened. He wouldn't have been that angry.

    Some background to this whole thing that probably matters is that my sister was a JW, she married another JW from our Hall and they ended up hating each other, she cheated on him with another man and they divorced after about 10 years of marriage. She was disfellowshipped, of course, and I didn't speak with her for years because of that. She married the man she was cheating with and they now have children and she couldn't be happier. That was a direct and personal example to me (not necessarily a good one!). She is completely out of the JW world and I am jealous of her for that but very happy for her and her family. We have reconciled and I see her occasionally. She told me she texts with the guy in question here occasionally, maybe a few times a year. I never asked her what's going on is his life and she never speaks much about him at all. I think she's trying to spare my feelings because she knew how I felt about him. She does know we had a fight and don't speak any longer. I suspect he told her all about it.

    I really have no realistic notion that anything is going to change so I'm no deluding myself that it will. The purpose of my story was to put a seed in people's heads to look at situations from all sides and understand repercussions of decisions. The decisions of both doing something or not. The more I write about this, the more I'm inclined to drop him and email or text.

  • enoughisenough

    if you are inclined to write him, I would first try to find out if he is still married. You also wrote how he cried when he thought his wife was cheating and said he didn't want to lose her. You of course know what you sensed, but I don't think he had the feelings for you that you think, It may be he just thought you a safe companion because he thought you had principles. As to marrying someone you grew to love over time and they you...I can speak to turned out a nightmare! All this being said, if you find him free, go ahead and write ...nothing ventured, nothing gained. My sister had a boyfriend when she was 14 and Daddy broke it up. She had another Man friend ( I think she was 16 and he in his thirties ) and my Aunts took her to another state to break it up. Fast forward over 30 years and he meets Mom on the street and he inquires of her and Mom gives him contact info. He sends for her. They live together until he dies and he left her with a home and a little money. She is sad and sick and alone and the first man she dated when she was 14 learned about her situation from family members and he invited her to church. They married...not for long because she ended up with lung cancer and died. I just think it interesting the full circle she made with these to men from her youth.

  • a-JW-girl

    Thank you, yes, I was trying to find out, through my sister, whether or not he mentioned to her if he was still married but I didn't want to sound too obvious or desperate. Regarding his feelings, you might be right and I thought along the same lines as you but I think he was confused and torn and didn't know what to do. I absolutely agree about him thinking I had principles because that's exactly what he told me a few times. He said I was "different" because I wasn't like everyone else. What a wonderful story about your sister ....and not too far removed from what I always thought would eventually happen between us but, as the Temptations would say "it was just my imagination, running away with me".. and I'm sorry for your loss.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    "He was married and had a couple of kids."

    This is where the story should have ended. But, you kept it going. You wrote:

    My point is that I should’ve done something about this a LONG time ago. I should’ve made the move. I should’ve told him I was truly in love with him.

    No, you should not have. You are incredibly selfish to not even consider the kids, much less his wife who probably worked her butt off creating a family. Marriage is hard work. I'm sure she put up with a lot of his failings at great personal distress at times. (all married people do) Who knows what kind of trauma she experienced because of the fantasy you helped promote in his mind?

    You did this to yourself....trapped by your own sin.

    You have been in a destructive cult your whole life and have likely been "compartmentalizing" lots of other stuff too, like WT false prophecies, CSA deception, UN deception, Malawi / Mexico fiasco.... the list is much longer.

    If you still believe in Jesus, he once said that even if you look at another with lust in your heart that you are guilty of adultery. Hebrews 9: 27 says that judgement awaits us after we die. You need to repent and start acting on what you already know to be right, not only with this fantasy, but with your soul as well.

    Find a real bible-believing church where you won't be viewed as a two headed Martian if you decide to accept the the new covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" (Mt. 26: 27-28)

    Once you are adopted in God's family, he is likely to give you peace about a great many things. You seem pretty stuck in the past. God has a plan for you if you'll trust him.

    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. - Jer. 29: 11
  • wannaexit

    You shouldn't have any regrets. You should be happy that his marriage wasn't wrecked.

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