Experiences with kiss up kick down Jehovahs witnesses

by hoser 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • WokenfromJWcult

    But most jw,s would be first on the list for trip and fall suits against retail outlets. And to cheat the government out of fraudulent disability claims . I know of one jw who hasn’t worked for years and is not physically disabled.

  • FedUpJW

    A JW cannot be excommunicated for the sole act of taking another believer to court.

    Well maybe not using that exact worded reason, however any JW can be DF'd for ANY reason that three illiterate window washers in the back room can agree upon.

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    WokenfromJWcult: If you want to turn them in but don't want to get involved personally, PM me the details and I will anonymously report them myself. I can't stand cheaters and fraudsters who hide behind religion.

  • LongHairGal


    You’re so right about people being abused twice there. First, a person is wronged, then they are supposed to not react or do anything about it. The scammer, fraudster or whoever just gets away with it..to do it to somebody else!

    This may not be exactly the same thing: but a person who worked and supported themselves (like a responsible person should) and got criticized/not invited anywhere and was labeled ‘not spiritual’ could also in a sense be ‘abused twice’.. If this person still stuck around like some sucker after all that happened to them and ended up later on giving money to useless deadbeats there who never wanted to work!

    This is the biggest reason I’m Glad I walked away from the JW religion years ago. I would never tolerate these people coming near me looking for anything. I knew I wanted to be far away from them when Reality hit them.

  • ThomasMore

    Rules of the road for JWs:

    1. Don't do business with other JWs

    2. Don't lend money to other JWs

    3. Don't hire other JWs

    4. Don't partner with other JWs in financial ventures

    DON'T - JUST DON'T. It is not worth the aggravation as you will be on the losing end.

  • LV101

    LHG - I'll go with your last paragraph (well, all of it actually) but the last 3 lines - I couldn't tolerate them or their clergy class hitting me up and wanted to be as far away as Bum (naughty word) Egypt to never see them again. Oh happy day it was to realize I'm done - I was ecstatic.

  • LongHairGal


    I was also ecstatic when I realized I was done with them over two decades ago.

    But, I couldn’t have known then how much the economy and the JW religion would change. The religion shockingly so. When I left I was surrounded by mostly affluent homeowner types and some arrogant overly confident pioneers. There were no panhandlers there..yet..and no hint of the neediness to come. The economy hadn’t hit rock bottom yet and the pioneers were so certain the End would come ‘soon’. They had no worries they didn’t plan for retirement. Also, that downsizing at bethel hadn’t really begun yet…Nobody had a clue…

    When I said years back I didn’t want to be anywhere near JWs when reality hit them I couldn’t have imagined it all would come to this with the religion and all the unprepared people in it. What’s a bigger kick in the rear end is how many have left the religion leaving all those remaining ‘faithful’ like they played a game of musical chairs and were left without a seat when the music stopped!

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