Latest in JW land

by asp59 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • asp59

    Heard the lastest in JW land? God commanded the Org to sell buildings in New York cause corona virus was comming. Lots of JWs see it as this is the true religion cause of that 🙃😊 Ofcourse no one been mentioning why no warning before spanish flu 1918 or terrorism 9/11. Many are truly brainwashed in this org

  • skin

    If that was the case, why didn't they move further away from NY. To be extra safe.

    Has anyone heard if they are safe where they are? That area may have also been hit hard.

  • Listener

    The bible warns against these sorts of claims.

    Matt 24:24

    For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

  • Atlantis

    If JW's knew the virus was coming, then why would they arrange conventions that later had to be canceled?


  • smiddy3

    Why didn`t Jehovah just stop the virus if he knew it was coming or was he just out for more blood.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    God also told the Borg to build new convention centers in Europe that now go unused because all large events are banned.

    God also didn't tell the Borg they needed to build in videoconferencing in their omnipresent Jw.borg.

    Now they're stuck with using worldly tech that has severe privacy issues, is either expensive or time-limited, is 'hacked' way too easy.

    Zoom zoom zoom.

    I guess God bet on the wrong horse?

  • waton

    "god" made them sell small, local, easily travelled to , one congregation only halls and move everybody into multi - congregational, regional halls, where people, assembly line style, come and go from afar, sharing all the infections.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    God must have led them to purchase a toxic chemical dump that had to be cleaned up before it could be used. He also kept his eyes closed while thousands of JW kids were being molested and later grew up to sue his organization.

  • Gorbatchov

    God is a property manager, now i'm for sure.


  • Mehlisue

    Well, they had always taught that at some point they would go totally underground and secret. What better way to do so and for a reason than this? It will make them very wealthy for sure. The property is very costly so what a great profit for them all. Yet just because a snake is under a rock not seen, does not mean the snake is a finished issue.

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