Latest in JW land

by asp59 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Wouldn't it be ironic and laughable if there was spread of Covid-19 at Warwick HQ.

    What would the top liars of the WTS/JWS (GB) say then ?

    The JWS religion is made up and structured around lies, fear, ignorance and corruption.

    That's really why I left it and so many others.

  • LauraV

    Finkelstein I was thinking all those Bethelites in Warwick, you know some of them have to have it, but they will never let those numbers out, even if some of them die, just dig a whole a few miles from the headquarters and bury them and that's it.

  • Finkelstein

    Being that the JWS GB heads have said that Jehovah looked after its chosen organization by pre moving its HQ out of Brooklyn New York, these guys would probably not openly disclose if people at their HQ in Warwick had contacted the Covid virus.

    Lies and corruption is what this organization was built upon and the top leaders have been trained strategically to carry on within that supporting concept mostly for their own appealing benefit..

  • millie210

    So if the price they were able to command for those valuable NYC properties had been very low because of a weak real estate market, would they still have sold at a slim profit margin or waited for a good market?

    If they hadnt sold and instead were holding property and waiting for the market to rise and the Covid virus had hit, what would they say then?

    I guess my point is they sold because they needed money and they had a valuable real estate portfolio. period.

  • Finkelstein

    I guess my point is they sold because they needed money and they had a valuable real estate portfolio. period

    You got it, it had nothing to do with a virus

  • smiddy3

    And he only had them move just 53 miles away ? Some protection ...not.

  • waton
    God is a property manager,

    G; Yes, of the OP wt land. Today's daily text says, he, after planting the garden, managed the Eden property empty, except for talking snakes, until Noah's flood. Imagine the angelic caretakers for millennia, keeping those propeller-like swords twirling. like Cheerleaders. while the Pyramids were being build outside. Maybe the hanging gardens even.

    PS: could have saved his son's life, twice, had he let someone , {preferable male), sneak in and take a bite out of that tree of life.

    PS 2: better yet, get a few seeds, imagine what E Musk, or J. Bezos the marketeers and both rocket, space pioneers could do with that, seeding the universe at large.

    that is why I love discussing the daily text with my young daughter. ( for my 4 hours credit). wt has no idea where it really leads to.

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