During tonight's meeting the brother seemed to read out something along the lines of "you may be helping a poor sister who you think may be struggling, but in turn that sister may be getting financial assistance from the government. It is always best to stick to Jehovah's arrangement in these matters so that help can get to those who most need it, including the worldwide work". I think it may have been an article about social media platforms initially and how they should be avoided and then this was mentioned. Did anyone else hear it...did I hear correctly?
Tonight's Meeting
by Studyover 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Just what is “Jehovah’s arrangement?”
I think it is where he arranges to keep all the money for himself.
joey jojo
Only once while I was active did I see a blatant example of a newly interested person try to fleece the congregation for charity. Apparently this guy would work his way around the local churches, getting whatever he could out of them.
Contrast that with an older, long term member of the congregation that may need genuine help and it seems here that this elder is saying, 'let Satan's organisation support our elderly, just keep sending your coin to headquarters'.
Sigfrid Mallozzi
What's it any of their damn business? Just another 50 shades of Hate.
Oh brother they’re saying don’t you DARE waste your money helping your fellow sister in Christ, give US all your money and you can rest assured the money will go to those who need it most.....US!!!
They are not even permitted to give Christian charity as individuals now, to their friends!! This is incredible. This organization becomes more brutal by the day! I actually feel sick.
I will listen for it this Thursday here in Oz. Yes it's primarily about the use of social platforms.
Sounds like an extension of the letter to elders directing minions to exhaust every other option for help elsewhere (like government,relatives,other publishers ) before telling the co that someone needs help from the organisation.
P.S and they've got the gall to claim they are a charitable entity,,,,,,,,bullshit artists.
wt, from GB down to elders hate it when they are not in absolute control./power. and power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The most danger to the sheep, the shepherds, the local owners. harbingers of shearing fleecing and slaughter
They just want to be in control of any spare money a JW has. The thought of money going to a JW woman who doesnt need it would give the governing body members heart attacks
This is disgusting. If you have money to donate to a person or a cause....do your due diligence...find out if it is a legitimate need and take care your hard earned $$$ goes where you intend and not to some scamming crook. And religions are notorious scams.