We need some GOOD SCOTCH !
Tonight's Meeting
by Studyover 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Good Scotch? Head over to Bethel! The GB drinks only premium single malt.
But what about those examples in the watchtowers and convention where someone got help from fellow brothers and sisters and they saw it as an example of Jehovah's hands?
Another example of double speech!
So are there now rules about how you help someone?
road to nowhere
They did a go fund me here. The government plan is let people die of cancer if they have poor insurance. There are scammers though. case in point is funding repairs and building kingdom halls
A new low!
They did mention "the arrangement" which basically means let individuals in either the person's field service group come up with the funds or if that fails the congregation. Only in the rarest cases would the world wide work funds be used to actually help a brother or sister.
I think it may have been an article about social media platforms initially and how they should be avoided and then this was mentioned. Did anyone else hear it...did I hear correctly?
The talk that was given this week in the Local needs in all congregations was about using messaging apps wisely.
The outline says: "Some with good intentions have used messaging apps to solicit funds for brothers in need However, there are arrangements already in place to help such ones"
It doesn't say not to help other jw's in need, but not to use messaging apps to solicit funds, which happened recently in many countries with people scamming other jw's in the pretense of helping a sick JW in some African country
JW GoneBad
I think it may have been an article about social media platforms initially and how they should be avoided and then this was mentioned. Did anyone else hear it...did I hear correctly?
Yes you heard correctly...as others have said...WT is having another conniption fit about rank & files' use of social media & the internet in general. This is the second time of recent that WT is using 'Local Needs' to address this. Basically 'Mother' is in damage control...no doubt many...especially JW youth, are getting a real education about this cult on-line!
I would imagine there are a good many JW households where parents & their teen-age children are butting heads over this cult's dark history, teachings, doctrines & especially their mishandling of child sex abuse cases that these young JWs are learning about online.
It's not a stretch of the imagination to say that while many JW youth are getting baptized very young...as savvy as kids are at using computers today...tons of these very same young JWs will learn very early on the mistake they made of joining this cult. If you thought this organization breaks-up families...you ain't seen nothing yet!
More and more JW parents are being forced to decide between their young children and this cult!
Half banana
I take your point Drearyweather but there is an irony in this.
The self indulgent governing body members live the life of Riley compared to many of the elderly JWs who at their command, gave up education and a career for the false Watchtower Kingdom which never came.
Yet the GB have the nerve to deny charity to their own members when they are jealous of a gift, given with compassion, which they reckon could have gone into their own coffers.
The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses are beyond redemption. Where is the humanity let alone Christianity?