wasn't Gadsden the congregation Ray and Cynthia went to after leaving Bethel and before Ray was da'd by the WTS. Gregerson was an elder there too.
Raymond and his wife relocated to Gadsden, Alabama, where they attempted to continue their lives as quietly as possible as ordinary Jehovah's Witnesses. Within a few months time, the local JW congregation even recommended to Bethel that Raymond be appointed as a local congregation Elder. However, Bethel denied the congregation's request, and sent in a new Circuit Overseer whose job apparently was to see to it that the Gadsden congregation disfellowshiped Raymond out of the organization -- something Raymond's Uncle Frederic and the other members of the Governing Body had not had the intestinal fortitude to do themselves. (Interestingly, the Governing Body had even sent Raymond an unsolicited "gift" of $10,000.00 after he had resigned and moved to Alabama.) Having no existing charge against Raymond, the GB changed JW organizational policy to make it a disfellowshiping offense for a JW to associate with a disassociated person. "Coincidentally", Raymond's employer, who was also his landlord, had just recently disassociated himself. Within a matter of weeks the Gadsden "good fellas" obeyed the orders of the Brooklyn "bosses" and "assassinated" (disfellowshiped) Raymond for the horrific crime of eating dinner at a local restaurant with his employer-landlord.