I'm a 25 yr old female that was in the "organization from birth until about 18. My mom was babtized; dad was an unbeliever. Is there anyone else that can related to my background/situation that feels 100% meloncholocy and pessimistic about everything in this world? I feel like when I was growing up, I was taught that, basically, I could not be a part of society. I could not associate with non-believers, and that included just about everyone around me. I didn't have many friends, even within the organization. The entire school thing was a complete nightmare. We are made to feel like complete outcasts. Mind you, I am not an outgoing person. I am a quiet, reserved, introverted person....... but I have a great personality and love to be around people. I am just not someone that can be the oddball, the person in the spotlight. I'm sure there are plenty of people that can agree that it completed SUCKED to go door to door and be expected to talk to WHOEVER comes to the door and tell them how they should be open to this different way of thinking.. Maybe I'm just a weak person and I have the need to blend into the crowd. I have been thinking a lot lately about the way things worked and unfortunately, I just feel as if being raised with my background completely screwed me up. I just about have no opinion on anything with the government (because I'm suppsosed to be neutral.....), I don't know how to feel about the war or military situation, and I feel guilty enjoying anything that is considered "worldly". Is there anyone else that has felt like they were in my shoes but have found an answer? I don't even know if I believe in god.
Ok...I'm new here
by Whatever 18 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome aboard whatever.
I just about have no opinion on anything with the government (because I'm suppsosed to be neutral.....), I don't know how to feel about the war or military situation, and I feel guilty enjoying anything that is considered "worldly". Is there anyone else that has felt like they were in my shoes but have found an answer? I don't even know if I believe in god.
Its ok not to have an opinion on things but stick around and see the different views shared here and you will soon get used to making up your own mind on issues. I guess we can all relate to you and many here have similar backgrounds.
Looking forward to hearing more from you
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Oh whatever, whatever, welcome. But first. Raise your right hand to your heart and repeat after me -
"In the name of the living cheeses, I swear that I have no known associations with porn star, realness, or elumn8. And so help me cheeses."
cheeses (of-the-newly-formed-welcome-to-all-newcomers-class)
CC Ryder
Whatever..Welcome to the board!!..Look forward to hearing more from you.
Whatever : I have no doubt you will find lots of comfort and support here on this site, good luck.
PS : Dont Take "Doley_sleezes*flings_with_a_moose" oath its bad for your health you know.
Realness of the it wasent me class.
hi whatever - glad you are here.
age 25 is a long time ago for me, but when i was 25 i probably felt exactly the same as you. please know that things will get better and that you have now found a place where you will meet many friends and find much support.
best wishes, nowisee
Welcome Whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of us here can relate to some, if not all of what you are talking about.
Just stick around and read, you will learn alot or be able to relate to alot of us here. This place has been very healing to me and many others.
If you choose not to believe in god, like I have, we don't judge you for it. That in itself is very healing, not to be judged is nice.
I am looking forward to hearing more from you or seeing you in the chat room, I am in chat alot .
Nice to have you as part of our
littlelarge forum.Support abounds. Just off the top of my head, one post that comes to mind that should be able to relate to your situation is......teenyuck, don't quote me on that though.
You might even someone from here that lives near you.
Welcome Whatever
I can relate to much of what you say. As JWs all our opinions are given to us; it's scary when you leave and have to think for yourself, sometimes you just don't know what to think about stuuf - it takes time but eventually you will feel more comfortable deciding for yourself where you stand on certain issues.
I was also scared of going from door to door, I was very shy. But I did it because at the time I thought I was pleasing God.
I have to take issue with something Jesika said though:
If you choose not to believe in god,
I am convinced that whether or not you believe in God is NOT a choice we make; we believe or we don't, and we have no control over that.
At the moment I don't believe in God even though I would like to, but I have no choice; just as it would be nice to believe in fairies - but no matter how hard I try I just don't.
Guest 77
Hi & greetings whatever. Your in good hands with proven apostates here. Watch out for them Brits especially them Aussie's they're going to try to humor you to death.
Guest 77