Try To Be Less White

by minimus 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Didn't say there was, we wre discussing that it is no grand conspiracy that some dating apps don't have a race filter and outwardly promote anti-racism. That is not contradictory.

  • minimus

    I think a person posted an observation. It’s ok to do, you know express an opinion or viewpoint here.

  • minimus

    Regarding people suggesting white people should try to act less white or black people should try to act less black, well I don’t think I have to explain.

  • FFGhost
    Seriously, what has happened to this site?

    It's become an un - Q - lified success.

  • minimus

    Q has infiltrated the site. Lol you guys!!

  • Jeffro
  • Simon

    Please don't like to Snopes, they don't qualify as a fact checking site.

  • Jeffro

    Their article seems entirely even-handed on the matter so maybe just personal bias against snopes?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Jeffro. How did they rate it as mixture when they admit in the first sentence that the images are authentic. Coca Cola denied that it was “required”, they didn’t deny the training didn’t happen, yet Snopes makes it seem like the training never happened or they couldn’t corroborate the evidence they themselves posted on their website and which Coca Cola admitted they provided the training.

    Coca-Cola's diversity, equity, and inclusion training contained slides which read "Try to be less white."

    Screenshots shared widely in February 2021 were authentic snapshots of a real online course on LinkedIn, featuring Robin DiAngelo and entitled "Confronting Racism."

  • redvip2000
    on UK tv adverts--there has been a huge increase in the number of "black" persons featured recently

    Yup, in the U.S. as well. But it's so clearly fake, forced and not organic at all. They are simply doing it out of fear that someone will say that they didn't have any black people on their commercials. That's all.

    And btw, why is it that blacks are the only race to somehow get you a get-out-of-jail card to prevent racial accusations? Why can't an Asian person, or a native american be enough to show support for diversity?

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