I think the recent blood transfusion policy change in the elders handbook is significant.
As baby boomers age and since most JWs are older anyway (the young people leave) the chances of having surgery and medical procedures goes up. Imagine their (the publishers) surprise to find the Org has quietly moved (shifted may be a better word) the taking of blood out of the automatic disfellowshipping category.
I think they are hoping the bloodless surgery movement will take away any need to "change" their policy. Meanwhile, they are quietly changing it right and left.
In addition to the above, they have a form (it originated in Canada in a meeting between a hospital ethics committee and the Canadian branch of JWs and is now used in the U.S. also - the liaison committees provide it to parents on a case by case basis at THEIR discretion) for parents to sign allowing children to have blood without any resistance from the parents or "judgement" (involvement) of the Org or "worldly authorities.
And of course we all know the huge leaps they have allowed in vaccines, organ transplants, fractions and blood substitutes.
The common response is "why havent I heard all this???" Mostly because JWs dont think about the blood issue in any real way unless they need it. The people who discover all the changes in policy are the ones who are researching ahead of a surgery NOT the ones in a bad car wreck or some other emergency situation.
In JW world there is a HUGE disconnect between what is actually known by the publishers and what is actually allowed with no penalty if the publishers only knew of its allowance by the leaders.