As far as the ARC is concerned, there are some golden moments captured on short vids on youtube.
Jackson is compulsory viewing.
watch the liar in action....
by punkofnice 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As far as the ARC is concerned, there are some golden moments captured on short vids on youtube.
Jackson is compulsory viewing.
watch the liar in action....
Is having a blood transfusion no longer an automatic disfellowshipping offence?
Yes the WTS is a scam that has exploited people's own ignorance and insecurities by making fictitious proclamations that the world is about to come to an end.
Much of this proclamation has come from stupid backward occultism, such as Pyramidology which used used to create 1914.
Retrospectively the WTS should therefore be seen a commercialized scam built up and conceived to build power and money toward a small handful of men.
They unfortunately succeeded and many people including children lost their lives out this human endeavor.
This fraud continues because men are still immersed into this power, control and money of this scheme.
The overlapping gerneration teaching started in 1995 more recent in the November 2006 KM they stated that cows blood was ok to use if one needed a blood transfusion. That's as Fu$ked up or even more so then the 70s proclamation that getting a organs transplant would result in you taking on the personality traits of the person you got the organ from.
Is having a blood transfusion no longer an automatic disfellowshipping offence?
Correct. It has now been moved to the category of IF the person is regretful and IF the person has a good standing and (most impt if) the matter is not well known ......
then a judicial comittee doesnt necessarily have to be formed.
They just get counsel.
Once their congregation is merged or dissolved altogether, maybe then they will realize that the org isn't genuine.
It really doesn't matter when trying to point out stuff to them, even with the facts to back you up, most of them won't listen. They will say what you are telling them are not true. To me trying to talk to a JW, who has no interest in leaving is the same thing as taking a ball and bouncing it on a wall. Nothing you say to them will sink in those thick skulls, it will just be bounced back to you. At least that was how it was with my relatives. Then to show how even more stupid my JW relatives are, a couple of them actually said to me this. "I've invested too much of my life to leave it, even if it is all a lie."
Don't get me wrong, never give up trying, because there are some who will actually wake up because of certain things that happen in their own lives, and that will make them think.
You read them those scriptures in the gospels that talk about christians being brought before judges and God's spirit giving them wisdom that their accusers can't refute.
Then you show them the atrocious, dishonest, shameful testimonies of the elders, branch officials and Geoffrey Jackson at the ARC and you ask them:
"Do you see any evidence that God's spirit empowered them with irrefutable wisdom?"
What would you show them FROM VERY RECENT
liesteachings to encourage them to consider the possibility the WBT$ is a scam?
In my experience
There's nothing you can show a Loyal WBT$ JW..
That will make them consider anything,not WBT$ Approved..
Loyal WBT$ JW`s Have..
A conversation I had with my JW Brother. (keep in mind that our father died a horrible death in his mid 60's just shortly before they made the ruling about the use of blood fractions, which would have saved his life)
Q. As a JW, can you donate Blood?
Q. Is someone who donates blood, displeasing to Jehovah?
A. Yes
Q As a JW can you now accept blood fractions ?
A. Yes
Q Where do blood fractions come from?
A They come from blood that was donated.
Q. Since donating blood is not acceptable to Jehovah, why would it be acceptable to use blood fractions taken from blood that was donated?
A. It's a conscience matter. It's up to each individual to decide for himself.
Q. If this is the case, why isn't donating blood a conscience matter in the first place?
A. Because the Bible says to pour blood out on the ground.
Q. How is obtaining and using blood fractions from blood that wasn't poured out on the ground, acceptable?
A. Because the person using the fractions wasn't the one who donated the blood.
Q. Would it be acceptable for the society to use money that was donated to them by a drug cartel for instance?
A. No. not if they knew about it.
Q. What about if they only kept the $20.00 bills?
A. No,...all of the money was obtained illegally.
Q. Why is it a conscience matter to use fractions of blood that was donated and in violation to God's law?
A. It probably isn't.
Q. By accepting blood fractions at that earlier date when he needed them, would our Dad have been in violation of God's law according to the Governing Body?
A. Yes
Q What about two years later?
A. No
Q. What does this tell you about their decisions?
A. Their decisions aren't necessarily always spirit directed.