Why Did God Create Us?

by Sea Breeze 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    This thread was meant to be a next logical question after determining the belief that: Jesus is God and Man, and was believed upon by Christians from the time the events were recorded by the apostles all the way throuhgh to AD 325. At that time hundreds of Pastors from a wide geographic area from all corners of the Roman empire voted on Arius the heretic. His Unitarian ideas were rejected UNANIMOUSLY with two votes abstaining.

    That thread is HERE. Now that we know who believers thought Jesus was, the question on this thread is simply, why did he do it? Why did God create us in the first place?


    interestingly, the answer to the question why we were created is, at the same time, also a demonstration that Jesus is distinct from and subordinate to God - because it is Jesus’s purpose in life, alongside the rest of creation, to worship God.

    Your statement assumes a materialistic view for the nature of man. This philosophical superimposition on scripture is unnecessary, unbiblical, and ignores the accepted definitions of words common at the time the NT in Israel at the time.

    Using biblical definitions, it is clear how Jesus can be subordinate to God, and God at the same time. This was discussed at length on the other thread dealing with the question of "Who". This thread is about Why. Why did he create us?

  • Touchofgrey

    Why did he create us?

    If you believe the bible story god is a narcissistic control freak who introduced a unfair test on Adam and eve, knowing that they would fail ,so he could introduce the concept of sin in which he has used as a weapon to exercise control over the offspring of Adam and eve.

    And then he sent his son/ self to give his life as a ransom in order to repay himself and then uses his death and resurrection as a means to again exercise his control over people and holds that over people today, like holding a gun to someone head .

    If you fail to agree with him and recognize that you are a sinner and come under his control you will suffer eternal torment.

    So If you believe that the bible is true you were created to be controlled by a narcissistic control freak.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Man created god to explain the endless cruelty and injustice of the world that left them feeling helpless.

    Why did a good mother lose 3 of her 8 children before the age of 1, and then died in childbirth with the last one?

    Why did lightning kill an entire family in a small stone age community as they huddled in their pathetic hut to shelter from the storm?

    Why does the ground tremble?

    Why do floods kill innocent children?

    What is lightning?

    The only reason we know the answer to these questions is science and research. However, religion is already a part of the human condition and has evolved and passed from generation to generation in some form.

    Religion is like a drug that dulls the senses and allows humans to escape reality. It is completely understandable that it was invented by early humans to allow them to cope with a world that doesnt care about feelings.

    Humans crave just, loving gods and an afterlife because we refuse to believe that this is all there is.

  • mikeflood

    Ohhh...it was to have some fun... eternity is so boring you know

  • KalebOutWest

    I drove by a large sign the other day that read: "Jesus is the answer." Oddly I don't know what the question is...("What is the name of my sister Lupita's husband?)

    As an exJW Jew, I can only say the following: the Hebrew Bible is not a book of answers. It is a book of questions.

    Jacob is not a faithful man of blind obedience. He "wrestles with God."

    Job asks God questions only to get more questions in response: "Where were you when I founded the earth...?"

    We came from a system, the Watchtower, that claimed to have "all the answers," so we expect to find them, about life and God. But religion is meant to be a big question. Cults claim to have the answers.

    Beware the man who claims to have all the answers.


    Not that I have any scriptural support for this idea, but I had heard someone else mention that God created man to replace the fallen angels who lost their place in heaven.

    Interesting thought…


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Ive heard this same thought once or twice before.

  • blondie

    St. Augustine The solution to this problem, suggested St. Augustine, was to see how those fallen angels could be, and would be, replaced by humans: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/henrykarlson/2016/04/replacing-fallen-angels-overturning-the-evil-powers-part-1/

    Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824): “Man was created to fill the choirs of the fallen angels. Were it not for the Fall of Adam, the human race would have increased only till the number of the fallen angels was reached, and then the world would have come to an end” (Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, Vol. 1, p. 17).


  • peacefulpete

    God likes to play with clay.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i dont think god made man just from dirt--i reckon He mixed a good portion of dog shit in the mix.

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