Logical Fallacy… can I get some help here?

by DATA-DOG 154 Replies latest social current

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    DD- in your post, when referring to unvaccinated people- do you mean that the unvaccinated people being discussed here have already had covid and therefore are safe?

    Or is it talking about unvaccinated people that also have no natural immunity because they havent been exposed to the covid virus?

  • Listener
    They have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk

    Is a drunk person putting others at risk if they are not at home and not driving?

    What about a mentally challenged person, or a drug taker, whether prescribed or not. When they pose a serious risk because of their proven social misbehaviour something can be done about it but usually not until they've already caused damage.

    What if the unvaccinated person is prepared to take extra precautions so as not to be any more of a risk than a vaccinated person and what exactly would be required? Who are they a risk to, another unvaccinated person or a vaccinated person?

    Apparently, an unvaccinated person can pass the virus on to others more easily if they have the virus because their symptoms are more severe or more contagious, so will shed the virus more (coughing etc.) But if they have any apparent symptoms they are likely to be at home anyway or it could be made a legal requirement that they quarantine.

    What if the unvaccinated person is prepared to stay at home rather than have a mandated vaccine?

    It looks like booster shots may be required and if so, what about those that have had severe side affects from the vaccines and it's too dangerous for them to have a booster, will it be mandated that they must have it?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Dr. Leanna Wen is talking bullshit, I'm afraid.

    We are all adults, we can each make up our own minds re whether to get vaccinated or not.

    I chose to get vaccinated, I'm double-jabbed with the Austra-Zeneca vaccine. If I die of a blood clot from the vaccine, it's on me. I'm responsible for my own decisions.

    If someone refuses all vaccines, then catches Covid and dies, it's on them. They are responsible for their own decisions.

  • Jeffro


    Is a drunk person putting others at risk if they are not at home and not driving?

    What about a mentally challenged person, or a drug taker, whether prescribed or not. When they pose a serious risk because of their proven social misbehaviour something can be done about it but usually not until they've already caused damage.

    What if the unvaccinated person is prepared to take extra precautions so as not to be any more of a risk than a vaccinated person and what exactly would be required? Who are they a risk to, another unvaccinated person or a vaccinated person?

    It isn't really the purpose of analogies to cover every possible scenario. Nor does something being analogous automatically mean that both things are equally valid. It's just a metaphor for quickly comparing ideas. Most readers with a fairly basic education would understand the intent of the comparison the doctor was making.

  • Listener

    Okay, point taken Jeffro.


    Good morning,

    Nice to see the usual suspects with their insults are showing up.. 🙄

    I’m not saying there is a 1:1 comparison between her analogy and the JW/driver’s license analogy, although they are both meant to be manipulative. Her analogy simply reminds me of the baptism/license analogy. They don’t make sense when you step back, remove the emotional/fear generating aspects that all propaganda preys upon.


  • Rocketman123

    The fact is that unvaccinated people have more of chance of suffering worse symptoms from this virus with its new variants.

    Regulated social restrictions and mask wearing was never suppose to be a permanent law, its was implemented as such to a time when the majority of the populations are vaccinated, the post occurring results were known and accepted to what they are.

    Covid is going to be around for awhile yet but governments are trying block the number of people who have severe symptoms, who need to be hospitalized in other words.

    If you particularly think because your young and healthy and you cant die from this virus , your purely ignorant to the facts.

    The young and health do die from this virus, although not the number of the physically weak and elderly .


    Your raise an interesting point Jeffro. An analogy is an process where we take meaning from one subject and transfer it to another, i.e, “The human brian is like a computer.”

    She’s trying to make a comparison between being unvaccinated ( As the “expert” she should make the distinction between whether or not she is speaking of persons who have natural immunity or persons who have never come in contact with Covid-19, the latter being virtually impossible at this point ) and being a drunk driver which is a completely false and irresponsible thing to say, especially when given the platform to reach millions of people.

    There is no similarity between the two subjects so as to make an analogy. There is simply the appearance of similarity, much like the JW/Baptism/License comparison which is also false.

    “That sound is like nails on a blackboard .” Is a metaphor. The sound could be very different from the actual sound of nails on a blackboard, but the reader has to understand the meaning of the metaphor and recognize that the “sound” is not analogous to nails on a blackboard.

    “It's just a metaphor for quickly comparing ideas. Most readers with a fairly basic education would understand the intent of the comparison the doctor was making.”

    Sadly, the “intent” of the comparison is to make “most readers”, listeners in this case, believe that the “sound” is actually “nails on a blackboard” when it isn’t. She wants the public to view unvaccinated people as they would drunk drivers. That is completely false and irresponsible because one is not like other at all. The subject is far too nuanced, but that doesn’t matter as the “News” simply wants shock value to influence the fairly basically educated public.

    This “fairly basic education” you mention doesn’t seem to exist given that fact that many, many people are swallowing the bait, hook, line and sinker.

    “Analogies prove nothing, that is true, but they can make one feel more at home.”

    - Sigmund Freud


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning.

    The facts are that most of the population has natural immunity, that's why we see cases dropping before there were even vaccines or a majority of people vaccinated and why we don't see a resurgence, even amongst the unvaccinated.

    People have either natural immunity or vaccines by now. Pick your poison. There are very few people dying from COVID Delta variant today because you're either immune naturally or artificially. There is no evidence that people that have gotten COVID prior or that have gotten the vaccine are spreading the disease AT ALL.


    “The fact is that unvaccinated people have more of chance of suffering worse symptoms from this virus with its new variants.”

    Really? I’ve heard the exact opposite from Virologists who don’t get a platform. They say the Delta variant is much more contagious but not nearly as deadly as Covid-19.

    What are these symptoms? Will I feel like I have the Flu for a week versus 2 days? What are the ultimate risks for my long term health if I take a vaccine vs staying in bed a few more days?

    One of the issues surrounding this subject is that certain folks refuse to read information because they are convinced in their minds that the source justifies dismissing everything said on a certain subject. That’s throwing the baby out with the bath water and mentally lazy.

    For example: You’re convinced ( usually without doing any research because research is hard ) that Dr X is a wacko because Company Z tells you so on its website that this is the case. So, when someone shares a link that you “know” is sharing “misinformation”, you refuse to look it up. Why should you? Company Z told you what to think.


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