1914 generation is long gone. 1975 was a joke 40 years ago. I know of many Witnesses still hanging on for Armagedon but when will they give up? Even the generation that knew the "generation" is getting old!
2024 when will Witnesses admit they are wrong???
by Witness 007 48 Replies latest jw experiences
The G.B and its predecessors never admit they were wrong, they may only have a "clarified understanding", according to them.
Individual older J.W's now suffer from the "Sunk Cost Fallacy" and allied false reasoning, and also many have an ingrained sense of Pride.
It takes humility to admit you have been wrong all your life.
1914 will become "The Elephant In the Room" for the G.B, gullible J.W's will follow that lead. I do not expect a mass waking up, even less a mass exodus. But soon, only those older ones, over 50's etc. will be in the majority by a long way. The young will continue to leave as they have done, the young that remain will not be there because of belief, but only for family and social reasons.
What? You didn't get the latest memos?
From a WT a few years back (no more than 10):
"The governing body are not infallible, and may error in interpretation and doctrine."
And just recently, one of the newer GB said (publicly, at the AGM) that they'll "never apologize for past doctrinal errors or misinterpretations."
I'm paraphrasing both, but I'm pretty damn close. Those false prophets and grifters will ALWAYS shift blame onto the rank-n-file Sheeple for "looking ahead with expectation" or "running ahead of Jah's chariot" or some such gaslighting bullshit and will NEVER, EVER! - apologize for a damn thing.
See, in WT-Land these corporate mottos will forever hold true:
1. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
2. Give until it hurts, than give some more!
I'm curious if they will ever try to face their past. Very little of what Russell taught is accepted today, and some of it sounds insane (using the dimensions of pyramids, or distances on a map, to set time frames). Rutherford did his best to top him, with his 1925 predictions and the 'millions now living will never die' campaign, among other things. The internet has made many of their writings available, and has allowed the dissemination of unflattering stories about them.
At what point does the past become an albatross that they can no longer ignore? And, if they are forced to come to terms with it, what can they do? Could they survive going mainstream?
It takes humility to admit you have been wrong all your life.
Couldn't agree more - absolutely spot on!
👍 -
@ WingCommander - And motto #3: When we tell you to jump, do NOT ask how high; stay airborne until we give you permission to come back down.
Beth Sarim
They will never admit they were wrong and no apology either.
How are you calling 1914 wrong without replacing it with something that can be right?
JW GoneBad
It's 2024, when will Witnesses admit they were wrong???
I'm a Witness and ashamed & embarrassed to say I'm a member! We were wrong...we are a toxic cult...we destroy families...many among us are driven to suicide. There are millions among us that feel the same way as I...some to a lessor degree maybe...but none the less, tons of Witnesses are disgusted by the WTBTS aka Jehovah’s Witnesses...believe it!
Sea Breeze
When hell freezes over.