I think some of Stan's suggestions are already happening, but some can never happen.
Letting the blood issue fade away. They already forgive it if you just say you caved in to pressure and you're' sorry.
Witnessing records go away. They have. No more reporting time.
Be more appealing to young families. That's what the Mormons have done. They focus on family values vs their weird doctrine. Seems like WT follows the course of the Mormons on many things (like the cartoon kids). Clearly they are doing lots of video presentations for kids. But because of their DFing policy they are known more for "breaking up families". Expect that to change as pressure from various Governments prosecute them on that.
Armageddon go away. Can't happen. That's their stick of the "carrot & stick".
Make baptism optional. Can't see that happen. I think that is their "contract" that puts you under their control.
Do away with Kingdom Halls. They have to have a place to serve the KoolAid and to have that "wholesome association" (though that is more at the Burger, Pizza & Beer joint following meetings). So, the sell off of excess inventory will continue and JWs will just have to drive farther -- which will be a test of their "spiritually".
But those are some great ideas for the WT guys who read this to explore!!!!