JW GoneBad, wow they know how to spread the BULLSHIT!
Hotels Deny Watchtower Discount Rates For 2020 Regional Conventions
by JW GoneBad 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals
IWantOutNow: It is NOT NOT NOT about the price, and getting a better rate for the "friends"
Of course not.
Cults NEVER do anything for the benefit the followers; it's always for the benefit of the cult leaders. Always.
And make no mistake: It's a cult!
JWGoneBad: WT puts most of the blame on renegade rank & file members who have not been following protocol
Abusers always blame the abused. Always.
It's what they do.
Let's review: It's a cult!
I called a hotel on the list once, they were booked up for WT people. I called back a day later, and booked a room. Almost the same price, but I got a couple free meals, and a few other nice perks!!
Most hotels, also give a certain number of room to WT, for their use.
I recently suggested that more and more potential assembly venues may be starting to perceive the JWs as "toxic clients" due to the increasing bad (pedo-related) press.
What are the odds that hotel managements are starting to lean that way, too?
The city where I live used to hold regional conventions. The jay dubs blame it on the “bad manager” at the local hockey arena. I blame it on the extreme negotiating done by the watchtower.
Has anyone else heard this? Does anyone know the reasons why?
Maybe Hotel managers dont want the bad press of having organizations that conceal acts of pedophilia within their organization at the cost of individual victims this being children ?
Finkelstein14 minutes ago
Has anyone else heard this? Does anyone know the reasons why?
Maybe Hotel managers dont want the bad press of having organizations that conceal acts of pedophilia within their organization at the cost of individual victims this being children ?
Or they don’t want the liability if child abuse occurs in one of their rooms.