WT apologists resort to insults.
I know. Waking up from the Borg and its fallacies draw up pent up anger and one has to release that energy
Its traumatic.
by TxNVSue2023 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
WT apologists resort to insults.
I know. Waking up from the Borg and its fallacies draw up pent up anger and one has to release that energy
Its traumatic.
Here's the thread about the WT condemning others for not sounding the (false) alarm:
The fire men called so many times "fire", that the warming has lost all of it's relevance.
It's meaningless.
So live your life without the influence of a bunch of old men in Warwick is my advise!
I became a better person, and my family, wife and children are better then ever.
Yes, the watchtower is, and always has been, a micromanaging high control cult.
Thank goodness there are many who are many who are able to use their brains, apply critical thinking and escape its clutches.
ps. Here we have a 'newly reinstated' person starting threads on an apostate web site - anyone know what cong the poster is from so we can report them to their congregation elders for loving scriptural correction/wt brainwashing??
I was DF D3c 2022. Reinstated this Jan 2024 ( 1 year df'd). When they reinstated me that said I am on restriction- no commenting at meetings, have to have a weekly study with a pioneer sister, no parts in the school. How long do these restrictions usually last ( been about 3 months since reinstated).
What matters is not what God will or will not do…. but the credibility of the WTS . They have been proclaiming the imminent end since the turn of the 19th/20th century, they have fixed on dates that have proven false … all the while insisting that their statements are “ spirit directed “ .
The result has been that generations of followers failed to plan for a future or get any further education.
They are proven to be false prophets , little better than William Miller and other failed Adventists.
TxNVSue2023: What is to be gained by knowing how close or far it is?
You are talking about the end of the old world, which would lead to the birth of the new. This would be a moment unequalled in human history, when humanity was finally freed from suffering and death. What is gained by knowing that it is close or far? Everything! People will live very different lives if they think the end is very close than if they think it is still far off.
The WTS knows this. When people think the end is very close, they are more active. They donate more. They preach more, which leads to more people joining because they think the end is near and they want to hedge their bets. This leads to growth, which leads to more money coming to HQ. One might think that the WTS uses this as a fundraising tactic, if one were a cynic.
TXNVSue2023: Exactly everybody dies. So what difference does it make if they have money & a retirement or not?
This should be obvious: until you die, you are alive. And while we are alive, we like to have all the comfort and security we can gather. Planning is always a good thing, but especially so as we get older. Once I'm dead, these things stop mattering. Until then, they matter quite a lot.
TxNVS- Exactly everybody dies. So what difference does it make if they have money & a retirement or not?
From a practical standpoint, you'll be an incredible load to others if you have no money when you reach old age. Of course it would be nice if you died peacefully in your sleep while still healthy and fully functioning.
The problem is that you're going to get old and sick. You're going to need a lot of medical attention. Someone is going to have to eventually help you move around, go to the bathroom, feed you etc...all of this costs money. And if you believe that family will be more than willing to happily take care of all of your needs when you're ancient and sick when you yourself didn't care, that's taking a huge risk.
Sue, the whole point of convincing publishers that the end is about to come is to control behavior. Jesus prophesied that the end of the system would come but he NEVER used that teaching to leverage his followers for his own enrichment as Watchtower Corporation has done. There was no shunning for planning or pressure to give.
You clearly are in for the social benefits, whether you admit that or not.
Teachings matter. Watchtower is a bad player in the religion arena.