She should be thanking her west African genes for her win due to fast twitch muscle fibers, something that east Africans are lacking. I wonder why west Africans move faster than east Africans. Are there more predatory cats in the west than the east?
Thanking Jehovah God for Sports
by Sea Breeze 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember getting held up by fellow students for NOT standing for the national anthem at school.
Well...I guess Jehovah "blessed her" with a gold medal, a baby out of wed-lock, and a billionaire "worldly" husband. A good example for good JW girls! :)
Jehovah also blessed King Salomon.
Why is it that when a person, past or present, says something or does something, that we have to look at it as an example of anything?
So Serena Williams said and done something? Why do we care?
I'm sick of this whole using people as examples thing.
And why does it matter if playing professional sports is frowned upon by the WTS?
They are not our boss. And if that is our profession and we are making money, more power to us.
Show everyone that we can be good people while being pros.
Rattigan350: I'm sick of this whole using people as examples thing.
Folks, don't be like Rattigan350.
Rattigan350 I read your post about 10 times and I still have no idea what you are saying. LOL