Regional Convention Attendance

by XBEHERE 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Riley

    They keep switch the territories around , so my guess is you have no idea if the borg is growing or declining. Our assembly had about 3500 in attendance with a population base of maybe 1.8-2 million people. It use to be one province, 1 million people and 5000 in attendance. Now they are starting to lump provinces together.

    Still lots of young families which is something I find really sad. Even since covid , it doesn't surprise me. People want to believe in some against the grain narrative to feel special.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ....and the underlying tone,,, remember to shun your blood family, non jw friends and pray for global genocide.

  • Hellothere

    Convention is like memorial. Is the time of Year when people that never visit meetings gather.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Now that the dubs have had a taste of zoom they are barely getting 60% attendance at the meetings. Its not surprising that a lot aren't attending the conventions.

    Some of the old style conventions are bad enough to leave emotional scars - years later, due to the lack of comfort and care for the attendee's, so unless the convention is in a convenient, comfortable location, why travel and put yourself through an unpleasant ordeal?

    The Sydney, Australia 2003 international convention was the last I ever attended. Some people travelled up to 3 days in buses to attend an over-crowded, open air venue in the middle of summer, an hour from the centre of the city. You had to bring your lunch and take home the rubbish. It took 15-20 mins to walk from the train station to the venue. At the time I thought it was a disgrace to expect people to suppport such a badly planned event.

  • Riley

    I was dropping my wife off ( I didn't actually attend ) and I swear every 50 feet one of those parking attendants would basically step in front of my truck. I had to explain to every fucking one of them, I have a beard and a camo jacket, I am not not attending and it is not that hard how to figure out to drive up to the door and get out of this parking lot. Finally told the last one he was more of a nuisance than actually any help.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Riley. A beard is a sign of a troublemaker. I too was met, but i had a tie and jacket. Wanted to see if I could connect with any old acquaintances

  • Rattigan350

    Conventions and circuit assemblies, which are the same in this case, are the occasions where the singles meet other singles.

    Without them, there is no future generations.

  • Foolednomore

    Riley- Did your truck have a loaded rifle rack? I know when we lived in Texas it was common to sport a rifle in a rifle rack.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Just keep shunning your family.

    Then lying about it when you're being interviewed on TV shows, documentries how ''family relationships continue'' ROFL

  • ThomasMore

    Rattigan, I once viewed the assemblies and conventions as mixers for finding a wife. But now even that seems to have gone by the wayside. They now serve as revenue streams only sprinkled with a little control for flavor.

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