Regional Convention Attendance

by XBEHERE 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • FFGhost

    In North America & Europe, in general, convention attendance can be a little tricky to analyze. Lots of people go to multiple conventions, others go to one where they are not most place which are at least moderately populated, there are usually multiple venues within a 2-3 hours drive, and 3, 4, maybe 5 convention weekends to choose from.

    Picking just one convention in isolation, it can be hard to to gauge the level of interest just by looking at attendance numbers.

    And yet.....

    I don't want to go into too much detail, but I live in western Europe. Due to a special combination of geography, language, and economics, I live in an area where the idea of "well, if I can't go to XYZ convention, I'll just go to this other city this other weekend" doesn't work, at all.

    So, one can gain a little better insight by analyzing attendance at this one convention in isolation.

    At the recent regional convention, attendance topped out Sunday afternoon at about 2900.

    Pre-pandemic, Sunday attendance was usually around 3500.

    In other words: taking this convention where JWs have no real "Plan B" - it's attend this one, or stay home, for the most part - attendance dropped nearly 20% from 4 years ago.

    Think about it: The first in-person convention in 4 years. We had Mark Sandwichson on a GB update exhorting the R&F to attend the convention. It was supposed to be a big deal.

    And a huge chunk of the JW population just said, "meh, I'll just stay home, maybe catch it on streaming".

    I think the WTS has lost the "weak ones". They're just gone - they may still be "active publishers", they still may attend meetings (mostly on zoom), but if they can't even muster up the enthusiasm to attend a convention for the first time in 4 years....they're pretty much over it.

    Now, it's the guys who used to be "middle of the pack" who are the "weak ones". Before too much longer, they'll start drifting away too.

    The WTS is slowly deflating.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Based on my own observation last Friday (I attended one day at a convention in midwest US), the attendance was down about 15-20% from what we used to see at the same location in previous years. Admittedly Friday usually has the lowest attendance of the three days, but usually the attendance the first day was about 5500 in this location, but Friday it was 4500 and 4600 in the two attendance counts made for morning and afternoon.

  • blondie

    Someone put a invitation to the regional convention in this area. Being held at an Assembly Hall. Never thought to see that day. Built only to hold one circuit which consisted of a max of 1500, so all could find a seat. More than that would be a nightmare, beyond the other nightmares to be found there.

  • Journeyman

    A few newer posts on the reddit page regarding conventions in the US.

    One from someone at the aptly-named Nutter centre in Dayton, Ohio: "Attendance where I am today is around 4500. Pre COVID 8k-10k was the normal."

    Someone else added that they can remember when attendance there used to be around 12,000.

    From another convention, a new PIMO wrote: "More lax rules too it seems. No brothers in the halls carrying the “QUIET” signs, more multicolored hair dyes, more of Tony’s favorite “tight pants,” stuff like that."
    "There’s about 3,600 people here today. Before COVID we used to average close to 4,000 or a bit above."

    As it's a Sunday it will be 'peak' attendance at a whole new set of conventions in the USA, UK and elsewhere - anyone else got anecdotal evidence of a drop in numbers or change in mood at their convention this weekend?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The WTBTS Convention Committee is hardly competent enough to organize small venues of between 4,000 to 5,000 attendees.

    The Long Beach California Convention Center seats well over 13,500...yet only 4,000 to 4,500 JWs attend...a waste of over 9,000 seats...what the hell!

    The Toyota Arena in Ontario California seats well over 11,100...yet roughly only 4,000 attend...a waste of over 7,000 seats...what the hell!

    Both convention centers are 60 miles...1 1/2 hour drive from each other. It takes nearly 500 volunteers to run each show/event. Therefore, realistically between 3,500 to 4,000 JWs may be seated at any one time & listening/viewing the programs if they're not dozing or napping.

    What wasted convention venues! What a waste of time, money & travel! A JW lifestyle...what a waste! The WTBTS...what a wasted organization!🤣🤣🤣

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Just attended ours.

    A few observations

    Peak attendance, 7000 approx. Meaningless number unless you know how many were assigned.

    Baptism 17 or 0.002%, not impressive.

    The talks: 15 to 20 minutes with 2 videos each. The one with the cancelled shunning dramatisations was conspicuous in breaking that pattern.

    The so called bible character based videos were notable in just having the actors ruminate on imaginary scenarios cooked up in Warwick to strengthen their argument.

    Similar pathetic half assed argumentation based on pretty nature segments. There was no depth or interest in any of the offerings, just the same point plugged over and over. We are supposed to be eager because these are the last of the last days but patient because it may be just a little longer. Huh?

    The main feature length drama was strange. Apparently salvation means walking for days under threat of gunfire with the weak dying on the way. Finally the long awaited solution appears." Oh joy we are here",Jehovah's hand is in the UN refugee camp in which you can play football with your kids and contribute in the lovingly provided contribution boxes. Make sure you have your go bag.

    So, to summarise. Attendance figures are meaningless unless you know how many were assigned. The baptism ratio is a good indicator.

  • Journeyman
    The WTBTS Convention Committee is hardly competent enough to organize small venues of between 4,000 to 5,000 attendees.

    The thing is, the old version of the org at least used to be very good at running these things. Considering they also used to have a bookroom and releases to give out, food to distribute and so on, the whole thing used to be a (relatively) slick and well-oiled machine, even in huge arenas and stadiums. I remember working at a few back in the 90s and early 2000s which seemed very different. Today, it seems they can't even organise and run small events of a couple of thousands properly.

    I suspect that some of the factors that have caused that are that there are more stifling rules and fewer capable brothers around - others have pointed out that the "old" org used to attract brothers who were at least fairly competent organisers and had some basic skills. Some were war veterans and many had run businesses or been involved in other more complex work before becoming JWs, rather than being born-ins who'd only ever aspired to pioneer or go to Bethel.

    The last time we had major conventions were the internationals in 2014 I think, which is nearly a decade ago now. The org is talking about having more internationals next year, but I'd be surprised if they are as well organised or well attended, and feel as interesting or important as the 2014 conventions (I think they were still called district conventions then?)

    The so called bible character based videos were notable in just having the actors ruminate on imaginary scenarios cooked up in Warwick to strengthen their argument.
    The main feature length drama was strange.

    That's another important factor. Videos now have become so commonplace as to be boring, and the content of many is very dumbed down or unbelievable.

    I remember the impact the resurrection video had at the 2014 convention - some of you may recall it - the one featuring the JW woman whose sister had died in hospital, and how it went from her being wheeled into the operating theatre to her dying, then later her being reunited with her sister in the resurrection. Cheesy, perhaps, but actually it was done quite well and it had a very dramatic impact. Many bros and sisters were crying. It was one of the first convention videos (if not the first?) and the impact was on the basis of "less is more" - there was no attempt at tacky dialogue, or making a soap opera style story like Neeta and Jade or this year's offering. Compared to now when every flipping item has a pointless video segment.

  • ThomasMore
    Not long ago, WTC "reassigned" some seasoned Convention Dept personnel. The organizing experts are greatly diminshed now. And it shows!
  • joe134cd

    I can’t help but think what a joyless dark place watchtower is. As far as handing out microphones, and aspiring to be an elder in your 20s, what else is there to look forward to. One thing I’ll give the mormons full credit for doing, is organising events and activities where their youth can mix and mingle. Wt does absolutely nothing, and has got the results to prove it. Oh sorry they do, do something. Thats DF them when they go astray.

  • Journeyman
    Not long ago, WTC "reassigned" some seasoned Convention Dept personnel.

    Ah yes, I'd forgotten that. I knew some here in the UK who were heavily involved with the old Twickenham conventions for years, being in the "control room" for the duration of events, but they were all suddenly replaced one year. Likewise with the attendant security teams who used to watch the entrances for interlopers and activist 'apostates'.

    Again, I think that started with the reorganisation of things after the 2014 international convention. After that, London Bethel stopped using Twickenham rugby stadium and switched to the Excel conference centre, and then a couple of years later brought in completely new convention management personnel from the new Chelmsford complex, I believe. One elder and attendant captain I know was quite upset to be suddenly dropped after many years. Understandable he felt overlooked, but rather sad that that had become a defining role in his life though. He should've known better than to expect any kind of loyalty from the WT hierarchy!

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