If Jesus was on the earth today, would he be asked to shave before he'd be allowed to give a talk on the platform?
Can a Governing Body member be taken task and called to a Judicial Committee by the body of elders?
Referring to the anointed who partake of the emblems, Watchtower have said:
The number of partakers includes those who mistakenly think that they
are anointed. Some who at one point started to partake of the emblems
later stopped. Others may have mental or emotional problems that lead
them to believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven. Therefore,
the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of
anointed ones left on earth." Watchtower 2016 Jan study ed pp.25-26
With that in mind, could the governing body be mistaken in thinking that they're anointed? Would we ever know if they really were? If they're not anointed, should they even be on the governing body?
The Governing Body admit that they are "neither inspired nor infallible" [Watchtower Feb 2017]. Isnt this also true of The Pope? The Archbishop of Canterbury? Thomas S Monson of The Latter Day Saints? The Dalai Lama? You and me?
How do we know that all this new light is not just apostasy?