The democrats are bad, the republicans are good. I'm learning a great deal from this thread - 1G2G
Yeah, no culty black and white thinking to see here lol. Very constructive conversation.
by minimus 236 Replies latest jw friends
The democrats are bad, the republicans are good. I'm learning a great deal from this thread - 1G2G
Yeah, no culty black and white thinking to see here lol. Very constructive conversation.
Yeah, no culty black and white thinking to see here lol. Very constructive conversation - this OP is basically push-back against how things are portrayed in the mainstream media ... 'Orange Man bad; activists good'.
The reason why we're having these discussions is because the MSM is black and white in their articles. Alex Cortez can call immigration centres 'concentration camps', and expect no MSM calls for her to watch her language when an ICE center gets firebombed; but Trump gets called a white supremacist who must watch his language after a shooter goes on a rampage.
Black-and-white thinking AND ridiculous double standards from our media.
The question isn't how do we disabuse liberals/democrats/whatever of the idea that Trump is racist. . . .
How do we convince white nationalists he isn't?
Any ideas? How would I go about convincing any of these folks he's not really racist?
@LoveUni -- yeah, I understand that. There is a HUGE media bias against Trump -- Trump gets called out for racist or let's say "racially charged" language -- while Biden commits harmless racial "gaffes" <== this is certainly a double standard.
That being said, just because the media protects Biden and throws the Trump under the bus doesn't mean Trump's language wasn't racially charged or whatever you want to call it.
As far as unbiased media: I follow Trumps twitter feed. That is my main source of information about Trump. Tells me everything I have to know.
How do we convince white nationalists he isn't? - well, for a start, white supremacists believe one race is superior to another. That's unreasonable, so I wouldn't bother wasting my time on those losers.
But, most important, it shouldn't be up to us to prove a negative.
The onus lies on all the journos and politicians who day-in, day-out call Trump racist, to provide clear evidence of Trump's racism.
Trump telling Ilhan Omar, AOC, etc. to go home isn't evidence of racism. Those four women and Trump are fighting each other. I believe it was Tleib, the Palestinian-American, who started her political career with 'let's impeach that mother f**ker'.
Trump and those 4 women are having a war of words that's quite ugly. But none of that proves Trump a racist.
Whelp, here's the thing: I do think the media is biased against Trump, so I don't care what they think. These are the people who think Biden's comment about Obama being "clean" is a gaffe and not racially charged language.
But I still think Trumps tweets -- the Tweets I read with my own two eyes on twitter -- about the 4 women clearly express a strong nationalistic sentiment (I think it would be difficult to refute that) and are at the very least racially charged.
Do I think that I am 100% correct on this and that I know everything? No.
Is this how I see it? Yes.
I still think Trumps tweets -- the Tweets I read with my own two eyes on twitter -- about the 4 women clearly express a strong nationalistic sentiment (I think it would be difficult to refute that) and are at the very least racially charged - ok, but we must consider the context to those words. The context is that Trump and the 4 women are having an ugly war of words. Again, one of the women (I think it was the Palestinian-American) started her political career with 'let's impeach that MF.'
If someone went up to some random person of colour on the street and said 'get back to where you came from!', well, that's obviously very different.
I don't know about Trump's other tweets (it might be useful if you provide those) but re Trump vs the 4 Dem women, there is a context to his words.
Do I think Trump's words are ugly? Yes.
Do I think Trump should modulate his future speech? Yes, that would be good. I've already said in a previous post that, although Trump's blunt speech may have been refreshing to some in 2016 when he was taking on the political establishment, such refreshing bluntness can quickly grow tiresome, plus these are tumultuous times for the US in 2019. Trump would do well to adapt.
Is Trump a racist? The jury's still out on that one. (Supporting evidence needed.)
Do I think Trump should modulate his future speech? Yes, that would be good
I swear: if Trump stopped tweeting today, his approval rating would go up 10 points.
I swear: if Trump stopped tweeting today, his approval rating would go up 10 points.
BoC ....
That's why I am keeping my mouth shut about Trump's tweets. Let him tweet .... tweet .... tweet. Tweet in the morning, the afternoon, the evening, all night.
The tweets never go away!!! Trump is just writing the Dem's campaign ads for 2020. The more he talks and tweets, the better for the Dems.
Rub a Dub
If someone went up to some random person of colour on the street and said 'get back to where you came from!', well, that's obviously very different.
So if I go out and find 4 women who have the same exact background as these four congresswomen (women of color) walking on the street and say "Hey, go back to where you came from" <== that is racist/racially charged language/behavior.
However in the correct context (I am having some sort of row with them) it's not racist.
So how about this:
I work with 4 women who have the same exact background as these four congresswomen (women of color) at a major telecommunications company. I get into a major fight about some company policy or procedure. One of the women even calls me a mf-er in front of everyone at work.
I then get up and say: "Why don't these women go back and help fix the totally broken telecommunications system in the placed from which they came?" <== Would saying this be racist? Because if I had ever said anything like this at work, at the very least I would have been suspended, if not fired.