Baptized in 1967...started to fade in later-70's...wife decided I was not spiritual enough and stopped full service partnership in early early 90's...I moved on with my life in mid 90's and was DF'ed...she got remarried a few months later. I was shunned and she was celebrated. Life has been great and haven't looked back with regret for a second!
Ages of each user here?
by ukpimo 64 Replies latest jw friends
Mid 70's.
Moon landing generation.
JW GoneBad
I've been around the block with this cult for decades & decades. I remember the 1975 fiasco/disaster well.
I remember the May 22nd 1969 Awake (What Future For Young Ones) foretelling that young ones don't need higher education b/c they wouldn't grow old in this system of things.
I remember service meeting parts in 1981 where elder bodies were instructing entire congregations to literally trash Raymond Franz's blue book (Aid To Bible Understanding) after he'd been removed as GB member & disfellowshipped.
I remember in the 60s, 70s, 80s & continuing to 2019 when JWs viewed themselves as the Locusts of Joel chapter 2. Then at 2019 Annual Meeting GB conehead David Splane corrected the understanding saying that the Locusts of Joel chapter 2 were not JWs after all...rather the Locusts are actually enemies of God.I remember in the 80s cover-ups by WT Headquarters & body of elders of pedophiles in the congregations.
Over the years I've known of way too many suicides, murder suicides as well as plane Ole JW murders. Just recently a JW murders his JW parents including family pet in a community on West Coast called San Juan Capistrano, California.
Over the years I know of way too much wrongdoing, contradictions & discrepancies by this cult...seriously!
Today I'm approaching my 80s & have been celebrating freedom for the last 20 years...Yay! -
I was born early in the year Eisenhower was elected president to middle-aged 2ond gen parents. I was Baptized the month I turned 12 and married at 17 to the Pioneer MS son of the PO who secretly lived a double life.
I was aware of serious flaws and flip-flops in doctrine and policies most of my life but told myself it was the result of "Imperfection" the catchall word to excuse all that is rotten in Watchtower.
My son's sudden death in 2004 changed me. By this time I was married to B.ASS who was close to being PIMO. The Menlo Park fiasco caused me to be mad enough to find Simon's site, read, honestly examine my religion. and realize I was NEVER in the TRUTH but in a CULT! Like Dagney, I am grateful to have made some true friends who happen to be EXJWs.
I’m so happy you’re here, and FREE, 3rd gen!
Long time lurker. Da'd aposto 2005 at 32. 51 now. This place is more comfortable to keep up with what the jws are doing. The sub reddit gives me the heeby jeebies 😂
faded in 2023
56 this year. Began a long, slow fade in the late 90s/early 2000s. Stopped attending meetings around 2003/4, stopped going to the memorial around 2007/8, stopped believing in god around 2012. I guess the snowball had too much momentum by then.
James Brown
I was born and raised in the Kingdom Hall. I escaped at 32. I am now 72 born in 52. I pioneered for a year, I was ministerial servant for 3 years.