Yes, they earn a lot, partly because it's a government sanctioned monopoly because they make it difficult and expensive to qualify and difficult for foreign trained workers to transfer their skills. The notional benefit is that it protects people, but does it? really? Medical malpractice is the leading cause of death - it blows away those killed by guns, traffic, and so on.
Healthcare is up there with 'education' - a country could spend it's entire GDP on those two areas and get little improvement to show for it, the government run supply not always delivering great results, but employing a lot of unionized workers - although we know government employees are never overpaid for the work they do ... right? Fun fact: Calgary-city run gold-courses pay salaries 3x (THREE!) the rate of private courses. Never trust governments to get value, they simply don't know how and have incentives to deliver the opposite.
BTW: I saw an interesting programme a while back which had an amazing stat, that something like 20% or less of the population is often responsible of consuming 80% or more of resources for things like police and A&E services, sometimes it can be 5% / 90%. Spending money on targeting and educating those people often did more to relieve pressure and costs on front-line services than simply paying ever-more for those services.
If people were burglarizing houses, the solution wouldn't be to have more tax-payer funded house repairers, it would be to stop the burglars. Prevention is better than cure. Too often though, governments spend money on grande white elephants under the guise of 'health' - a big stadium for an Olympics does little to nothing to improve health for the local population, it's a giveaway for a select few who's hobbies are often quite unhealthy. What they should spend on is less impressive, smaller, local facilities and education at school about nutrition and diet (but not the special-interest sponsored false advice that lobbyists pay government to promote).
The problem with healthcare is largely government created, the solution isn't more government control and spending, it's less involvement.