Okay, I keep reading something and though JW's do not get involved in national wars, my experience has always been they are very violent people. Every convention I have ever been to was filled with children being beat within an inch of their lives for just not being able to take a third day of mind-droning silence without being able to move or now even sleep. I have seen whole congregations laugh at stories of children being beaten and calling out to "Jehovah". I know of wives that have suffered broken bones only to be blamed. I know of a sister who was assaulted and faced an attempted kidnapping by a 'brother'. As a child I was repeatedly told how if I had lived in ancient Israel I would have been stoned to death. I was also told about parents that ate their children because they had not been obedient in Jerusalem.I have seen verbal abuse hurled at young and old alike. All the victims left without recourse.I know for a fact if the society were to say that they were now commissioned to join with the angles in the cleansing of the earth a great majority would be out there destroying all "God's enemies".. So I really don't know where the idea that JW's are non-violent comes from except their own propaganda. They are not only some of the most violent people I have ever known but they also have a coldness about it. I am on a task of trying to weed out all the little lies they put into my sub conscience. . I keep finding these tenacious weeds popping up, sometimes I need help in noticing them and this site has been great with that. So I want to ask, does anyone else think this is one of those insidious weeds of propaganda?.
Are JW's non- violent
by notalone 22 Replies latest jw friends
stan livedeath
any cult that promotes their god is to destroy all mankind--except the members of their cult---is likely to attract mentally deranged freaks.
Violence is not just behavior that results in physical damage or hurt. Violence is also, by definition, the exhibition of an intention or desire to see harm befall another.
A "mean person" who bullies with words can also be described as violent, especially when those words are delivered with force or ardor. A boss that constantly belittles, has fits of anger (even without hurting or striking another), and bullies those in her or his employ can be described as "violent."
From my personal experience, and I am certain it is that of others, many an elder and overseer exhibited violent attitudes. Some would explode in those "secret meetings," and there would sometimes be more than loud shouting but actual tossing of things in anger and threats.
This behavior did trickle down. "Hating" things and people "Jehovah hates" was often exhibited by very forceful frowns and sometimes audible insulting grumbles. I know that after I disassociated myself, I did see a few JWs once from a distance, across a crowded restaurant, displaying such horrible expressions of disgust toward me that others who saw them focusing their "hate faces" at me could see something was wrong with these people and the way they were behaving in public. "Who peed in her coffee?" a bystander whispered to someone else about one of these disgruntled, contorted faces.
Hate is merely a projection of violence. If you hate someone with your words and attitude, you've already beat them to death in your heart. When people burn books, they are merely practicing for later when they'll burn the authors and readers of the same.
Saying Jehovah's Witnesses are not violent because their hatred never goes past their heart is like saying Jesus was lying when he said adultery is committed when lust lives in the heart.--Matthew 5:28.
Child abuse is quite apparent in the JW religion, when you tell people who you quote from the bible such as spare the rod spoil the child, physical abuse of children is promoted and propagated.
Violence creates fear, fear produces control and that's proportionality of why certain men are drawn to religion as a means to empower themselves as in god's power being in their hands .
When you think about it the JW religion is structured around violence such as their god Jehovah had committed like the killing off just about all of humanity during Noah's flood, the killing off of most of humanity at the soon to come Armageddon. etc.
The ancient Hebrews were a very violent civilization but really not uncommon for that era of mankind's history.
Nathan Natas
No, they are not non-violent.
JW husbands beat their wives all the time and JW parents beat their kids all the time. Sometimes those receiving the beatings die, but there is always the resurrection.
It depends upon how you consider someones thinking and beliefs as being 'violent'. You say that JW's believe that people will be destroyed at Armageddon, and hence they are violent. With this logic, even Jesus Christ was a violent person, because he too told about everlasting destruction upon people; as in, in his parables, he told about people on his left going in to everlasting destruction (Matt. 24:45,46). Paul told in 2 Thess 1:7,8 that Jesus would come with his angels and will bring destruction on those who do not listen to his good news. So yes, Jesus was a violent person too.
If hating someone is a sign of being a violent person then yes, Jesus would be classified as violent too, because he openly rebuked and cursed the Pharisees. Jews were violent too because they openly asked Pilate to execute him.
If simply wishing harm on someone means being violent, then many of us would be classified as being violent for we wish that ISIS is wiped off from this earth.
I really don't know where the idea that JW's are non-violent comes from except their own propaganda. They are not only some of the most violent people I have ever known but they also have a coldness about it.
JW`s are also truthful, law-abiding, morally superior, ECT..Ect..ect..
Except when they`re not..
But....That`s OK.....Because..
They`re Jehovah`s Witness`s!
Village Idiot
It's a matter of semantics. Violence applies only to physical abuse whereas inflicting verbal hurt is known as verbal abuse.
I wholeheartedly agree with with the above posters.
This brings to mind something that happened when the JW lady who studied with me was driving down a narrow road to the KH.
A group of young teenagers who were riding their bikes kept zigzagging.across the road in front of her.
They were laughing and hollering as young people often do, not meaning any harm.
This lady, wife of a prominent elder, became so upset at them, blowing her horn and muttering, "That's why Jehovah is going to destroy y'all!"
I remember thinking, is it that serious?
Just one of the many little things that set off warning signals that I should have heeded.
They are towards the pacifist end of the spectrum when it comes to national conflict but traditionalists when it comes to physical discipline of children which can be overdone and step into violence.
Of course individual JWs might be violent (they have the same "mix" of the population) but usually they are anomalous to the typical behavior. The majority of JWs are more likely to be non-violent and law abiding than the overall population IMO.