Are JW's non- violent

by notalone 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The JW code of behaviour is 99.99% non-violent with the exception of corporal punishment ('The Rod') for disobedient children.

    JWs don't get involved in the nations' wars.

    But I don't think JWs can be described as being truly non-violent. There is violence at the core of their beliefs.

    They believe that their God, Jehovah, drowned children in a global flood as an expression of His righteousness; they are also eagerly anticipating that their God will slaughter all the billions of humans - men, women & children - who are not JWs or becoming JWs ... soon.

  • notalone

    Dear dreary weather, I did not intend to put forward the idea that believing in Armageddon is violent.. My personal feelings about God and Armageddon are beside the point.I also do not want to get into a debate as to whether those in the Bible were violent or whether this was accepted by God. I am not even discussing if religion in general promotes violence or peace. I was pointing to the specific claim that being a JW would cause one to be non violent and that the religion of JW's is non violent. I know there are many that have become more peaceable when they come to religion in general.I also know that many people who do not turn to religion decide to leave a violent background. I feel that many individual witnesses are peaceable, yet the claim that JW's are a non violent people by my personal experiences does not seem to fit. One of my favorite sayings that I have still held on to is- by their fruits you will recognize them. It seems to me that often there is a disconnect between what is said and what is actually done. For example JW's say that they are not creationists, yet they believe God created the earth as described in Genesis.They claim they are not fundamentalists, yet they accept the Bible strictly as it is. They say they are not pacifists,then they say they are non violent, then members follow a violent course. Now we could say that individuals are that way, but not the whole. That could be accepted if they removed violent people from their midst through disfellowshipping, which we know they use. From my personal experiences I have never known one who was disfellowshipped for violence and I have known many that would be considered violent by the standards of the judicial system not my personal standards. If you have been blessed to have never experienced a violent Witness I am so very happy for you. If you yourself have found the teachings of the witnesses have aided you to not follow a course of violence I applaud you for following a course of peace. I am only questioning whether the specific claim of non violence by JW's and those who have left could be more from propaganda rather than personal experience.

  • Simon
    But I don't think JWs can be described as being truly non-violent. There is violence at the core of their beliefs.

    Yes, they worship a god that is violent. But that doesn't make them violent any more than it makes me watching a Bond movie into an assassin.

    Unlike other religions, they leave the smiting to their god and which its rather sick and perverse that they look forward to the destruction of so many people, there's little chance that they are going to use violence to make it happen or do it on his behalf.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill
    If hating someone is a sign of being a violent person then yes, Jesus would be classified as violent too, because he openly rebuked and cursed the Pharisees.

    I have heard at least one professed Christian use this and similar statements of Jesus to justify Christian participation in bloodshed. (To be precise, that person was Catholic by religion, and of Croation descent. The conversation came up back in 1990, just as things were hotting up in the Balkans, and he was alluding to the so-called "Ethnic Cleansing" that was just beginning in the old Yugoslavia).

    Other than that, JW non involvement in the world's national armed conflicts has much more to do with their ideas about "Christian Neutrality" than with the principle of non-violence. They do subscribe to the concept that there can be such a thing as an "Authorised War", such as the Israelites were instructed to fight. I well remember this being used against the LDS ("Mormons") when they referred to certain more blood thirsty passages from the Old Testament. The typical JW response was along the lines of "you show me where the Bible authorised WWI, WWII, Korea or Vietnam?"

    When I was "coming into the truth", I was told in so many words that JWS were "Not Pacifists". The old trick question of the Conscientious Objectors Board was also explained to me in detail:

    - i.e. "What would you do if somebody attacked your wife?" The correct JW response, I was told, was that you would indeed hand the offender the proverbial bunch-of-five - but that you would not " fight in a war started by politicians."

    As for the JW's ideas about child discipline, I now cringe when I recall the frequent scenes of child abuse I observed at meetings, assemblies and the like.

    So yes, I very much agree with the OP on this one - the JWs cannot exactly claim to be a non-violent people.

  • Finkelstein

    Violence is both saturated and marketed within the JW dogma so from a theological perspective they are violent and that violence has a redeeming purpose.

    They are going live though Armageddon and anyone that's not with their organization is going to be killed .

    The WTS uses and exploits violence psychologically to attract attention to its publications and gain adherents to further use and exploit people for labor and money.

  • zeb

    I used to hate those ghastly images the wt put up in magazines and books eg. 'My Book of Bible Stories' or do as your told or else.

    The foundations of the wt are domination and fear.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Yep! Real Blood and Guts stuff, all-right.

  • Alive!

    I used to feel terribly uneasy about the garish illustrations....such as just posted here.

    I like to create, draw, paint.

    I find my heart kind of feels the same emotional colour as my subject matter, so, I'll feel a sense of reverent love if I trace the outline of something beautiful in my own way. if I walk away from the painting, that feeling and image stays with me. I look forward to returning, to 'perfect' or work on it.

    i don't draw violent things, I don't draw or illustrate people suffering. If I did, it would be from compassion and outrage at the violence, at the suffering.

    What sort of Christian heart meditates on capturing the terror of children, old men and women's faces as they get struck and destroyed by falling buildings and bolts of fire? How does that heart feel concentrating on depicting such images which are not about compassion but 'deserved destruction' ?


  • Finkelstein

    What sort of Christian heart meditates on capturing the terror of children, old men and women's faces as they get struck and destroyed by falling buildings and bolts of fire?

    Answer = a fear mongering religious cuilt with publishing house operating at its core.

    Like god would choose false prophet charlatans $$$ as his solemn earthly organization. .......... right

  • scratchme1010

    About the OP, yes, the WT has no regard for children. They are horribly treated.

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