I just listened to the Lloyd/Jaracz video and OMG, what a fucking slog that was. I finally had to bump up the playback speed to 1.5 which helped only marginally. Since I had chores to do, I put on my Beats and pressed play. Not being distracted by video, I could pay more attention to his voice. I immediately noticed his very lackluster delivery from the first word, like he really didn't want to have to be doing this, and it didn't get any better from there.
I used to really like watching the WT in Focus/JW Watch episodes regarding the legal issues plaguing the borg, especially when there was a panel of people who actually knew what they were talking about and would produce documents and media articles that I could access and analyze for myself. Those days are gone.
This was a shit show in slow motion, taking forever to get to barely-there points and innuendos and suppositions, but peppered with plenty of disgruntled remarks about Those Who Have Left LloydLand, including sweet-as-pecan-pie Sherrie D'Souza. She was spared the snarky snipes others received, but she was definitely named as a no-longer-Lloyder. However, his real vitriol was saved for... Well, we all know who that was saved for.
The whole thing was 2% sensationalistic nothing that I haven't heard already (except maaaaybe the Pender thing) with the rest being just a petty fallen tyrant getting some digs in while he still has an audience willing to listen. Doesn't anybody watching that thing notice that EVERYBODY he formerly worked with is gone, and by his own admission he is no longer on good terms with any of them? In the real world that's what we call a clue.