It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Toblerone5
    he said Canada when he meant California?

    At this point, his story makes no sense , so maybe he did mushroom in california , but he hallucinate that he was now in canada where he talk to god .

    We know he was in california cause he posted 2 photos of that trip on his Instagram account. But he never mention that he was in California on his youtube video.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I didn't watch his video so is it possible he said Canada when he meant California?

    He said Canada more than once and it’s hard to confuse the Canadian weather in late November with that in LA at the same time of year.

    Sounds like it’s the same fool supporter. Lloyd did say he eagerly took him up on it and implied the stay took longer than originally planned. My guess is he went for the hooker holiday in Hollywood first and then took up his benefactor’s offer for shrooms and flew at his expense (again) to Canada to see him.

    Maybe Simon has a point. That’s a lot of money to put into Jabba the Hutt’s holiday plans without some sort of quid pro quo.

  • DerekMoors

    I didn't mean he confused where he was; I'm thinking his alcohol-soaked brain didn't formulate the right word so maybe he accidentally said Canada when he meant to say California and never caught himself.

    Again I refuse to sit through the video so I don't know how many times he said it or if he said anything else that would absolutely indicate he was in Canada, etc. It was just a thought...

  • DerekMoors

    384. His beard-gate video got an okay 46K views while the shrooms one is lagging at 12K. And it's January, when advertisers pay the least for YT ads. I hope he's working on a second stream of income to afford all the rent, child support, spousal support, copious amounts of fast food, drugs, booze, and sex workers he needs to pay for.

  • Toblerone5

    One thing i will be curious to see in 2024, it's how many Ex-JW voicemail he will have now that he add on his credentials : Going to Canada to do magic shrooms shrooms (😜 with going to Thailand to date a sex-worker , the 2 Fail lawsuits , tried to steal COC book ...)

    So I did a little bit of research ,he started this in Feb.2020 and he got 14 callers the firt year. In 2021 : 89 callers , 2022: 49 and in 2023 38

    Plus now I wouldn't be surprised that most of his solution to any ex-JW would be that they should try to relax more and do some shrooms like he did in Canada .

  • TonusOH

    I'm imagining a JW looking for answers in 2024 and finding Evans's channel. They have heard good things and apparently he is the "go to channel" for exJW content. Cool! Let's see what we have...

    Hmmm, atheist video trashing religion. No thanks.

    Hmmm, ranting about the Silvio Mob and asking for money? Maybe not yet.

    What else? Using psychoactive drugs to combat depression? Um... what?

    How about... how to negotiate with a sex worker when your funds are low? WTF!?!?

    Jesus... where is the JW content???

  • Toblerone5

    😲 Why ?

  • DerekMoors

    I'm thinking a few people had a new year's resolution to get their finances in order and cut out anything unnecessary. Hopefully this will be a continuing trend LOL...

  • slimboyfat

    If he continues to lose 20 patrons or so a month then he’ll be down to pretty low numbers by the end of 2024. He might even need to get another job.

  • Toblerone5
    He might even need to get another job.

    he could always become a mycoligist 😁

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