It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
  • Yooters

    Foreveralone 6th Holiday that we are aware of. His whole way of thinking / way of life is a holiday.

  • TonusOH

    DerekMoors: Every few months he's saying "Oh once I get back from recharging my batteries I plan on working harder than ever before!" and the exact opposite happens.

    It's a pattern of behavior. He has become accustomed to doing it, and his few remaining supporters are treating their support as some form of sunk cost. So he'll be able to abuse their trust and generosity for a while, and it'll get more and more difficult to stop. Let's keep an eye out for how often he has to apologize to his enablers for failing to do anything except collect their money each month.

    And then let's see how much support he loses before he finally wakes up to the disaster that is unfolding.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    t's a pattern of behavior. He has become accustomed to doing it

    The “introspection” has been going on for close to two years now and it’s progressively getting worse. I’m old enough to remember a time when he spoke of “sex workers” in the plural sense as well as the non-sex worker who was sitting on his lap in the pic. Funny how he has not spoken of her since. Now it’s “I briefly dated a sex worker in Thailand”.

    How much longer until he denies outright he ever saw sex worker(s) there and it was all elephants, beaches, scuba and Thai food?

    Everyone else saw this for what it was and has moved on from him in one sense or another. The only one still stuck in 2021 is him and a handful of supporters from that era. The reason why he keeps needing these soul searching trips is because he’s still in search of one.

    Anyone with a shred of dignity would have long ago ditched this scene where so many have condemned and consistently mocked him. He’s here for the payday and perks (such as the free holiday) and it’s somehow our fault his daughters will find out the truth about him and what he did.

    The disappearing act and constant rebranding is doing more harm than good as we can see with the patrons ditching after he blabs out loud about how he’s not fulfilling his scheduled zoom calls because he’s on a donor funded holiday.

    Why even mention a viewer paid for all of it and that he’s more than happy to oblige?! He’s wiping their faces in his excesses and thinks they’ll all come round to him when he gets back and talks about Jehovah some more. You only get one chance to make a first impression and he’s losing even the ones who have no idea about Thailand.

    This is a train wreck of epic proportions. He’s ignoring the wreck and is going full speed ahead.

  • Thisismein1972

    Remember, Lloyd lies all the time. For all we know, his excuse someone gave him the money to go on an all-expenses holiday is another lie, he knows fine well that people are catching on to his grift so he could be using this as a cover so more people don't catch on to him using their donations for holidays.

    He is trying to cover up the fact he is still using donations to go on "introspective" trips and using emotional manipulation to fool his donors.

  • slimboyfat

    With him it’s always a possibility that he’s lying, but he has had wealthy backers from the start. I think there was someone on here called Marvin who supported him years ago, and another American who would send him lots of money too. Maybe for some of these people it’s simply a case of throwing good money after bad because they can’t admit to themselves they were wrong about the guy.

    Plus is it possible that some pro-JW people are funnelling him money to keep him going? Keeping him on YouTube serves Watchtowers interests, so I don’t think it’s out of the question that he is getting some indirect support.

  • pr0ner
    @LMSA don’t forget it started with he only saw sex workers and didn’t date any cause that would be cheating and he never cheated on his wife.
  • DerekMoors

    Do we know he was alone? I have to wonder if it was someone giving him money versus someone saying "hey I'd love to hit up a nice hotel and bring in some hookers and get drunk and talk JW shit... just need someone to do that with." Whoever it is, what an embarrassing sucker, tossing money at someone who's lived off everyone else's dime for well over a decade now. Like JWs giving money to the governing booty, men who've never done a hard day's work in their life and who are sitting on millions if not billions from property sales alone.

  • TonusOH

    When he did the livestream, someone made a similar offer. Keep in mind that this was after he had admitted to seeing prostitutes for years and after he had shit on the exJW community for not being 100% supportive of a rotten human being. The person offered to pay for a getaway for him and his family.

    This was also the same livestream where he cleared some $3,000 in donations while admitting that he couldn't control his penis and claiming that his wife simply wasn't enough to satisfy his raging libido. So, yeah... there are plenty of people who will send him money no matter how low he sinks.

    How many patrons will leave after he drops a message that basically reads "sorry for skipping my paid obligations again, but someone else offered me money to go on yet another vacation and I snatched the money from his hand so aggressively that he almost lost a couple of fingers! LOL! Also, this is totally about my mental health and if you don't support me, you're an evil person"? Something tells me he isn't that worried about it.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    He’s had wealthy backers practically from the time he started. Richard Kelly was the brainiac who shipped him a BMW and then covered the import and registration taxes when Jabba the Hutt complained that he couldn’t afford it.

    What was he going to do? Let the car sit in customs impound? Dick come get your car, it’s in Croatia.

    On his mini-begging video to Patrons in January, he related that he would have been forced to close the company in late 2022 had it not been one-time donations of substantial amounts from unnamed backers. Lloyd lies all the time about his finances. His trick is convincing these wealthy backers into thinking he’s about to close up shop for good.

    Imagine if you were one of these backers who sent him thousands to keep the company afloat and Tibor/Dijana employed, only to see it all happen anyway and here he is on holiday trying to get motivated?

    He either has it or he doesn’t - especially for work he considers “life-saving”. If he’s off somewhere for “introspection” and can’t be bothered to “save lives”, then this isn’t your guy, exJWs. Many activists have taken breaks but this is the only one who needs to go on holiday and “recharge”. All the others just went back to their secular jobs.

    He has no problem motivating himself to go out and play guitar for the handful of people who show up to these bars. But he can’t manage to sit on his ass, cook some rough transcript up, turn the camera on and talk about JWs and get his “atta-boys” from the 200 or so comments.

    As with the JWs, people have to wake up according to their own level of critical thinking. He’s the only paid full time activist, yet he’s being eclipsed by people who are barely paid or not at all. Some are beginning to put it all together.

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