It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • TonusOH

    Teddnzo: I can’t believe that he thinks it’s ok to date a sex worker.

    I hope he realizes how pathetic that statement makes him look. But he probably doesn't.

    Because no one else thinks he dated a sex worker. I love it as a meme, and if people use it to mock him, that's the bed that he made. More to the point, no one thinks that a sex worker dated him. It's another example of how bad the truth must be, that he thinks this explanation makes him look better.

  • Ron.W.
    I can’t believe that he thinks it’s ok to date a sex worker..

  • pr0ner

    Maybe we can get it trending on tiktok

  • Dagney

    There are such clever posters here! You guys are not only spot on, but hilarious and clever!

    Keep em coming!!!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    This is why the only thing that needs to be done is to keep pointing out the things he said he did.

    It is clear that he miscalculated at first. By the time he figured it out, it was too late. He attempted to normalise what he had done by fully embracing his history with sex workers. He even had something of a grin when describing how long it went back in time as if he were proud of it. The nonchalant way he informed Kim as if she had already known was a clear example of this.

    Knowing Lloyd, he had probably planned this huge video when he returned, going into how sex work is normal, should be legal, and how any exJWs who opposed this, esp in Thailand, were puritanical prudes, racists and still had a great deal of residual JW thinking.

    But the reaction he was getting made such a video impossible to make without alienating more of his supporters.

    His livestream and the FB statement he put out days later were the closest things to the truth and because of that, ultimately did him the most damage. In the livestream he had confirmed he had seen SWs every 2-3 months for 3-4 years. In the FB statement he confirmed that he met SWs (plural) in Thailand as well.

    The reality is he doesn't see anything wrong with either of those facts. He hasn't apologised because he isn't sorry. He'd do it again, albeit under a huge cloak of secrecy this time round.

    He had found out the hard way that he had revealed too much and people weren't OK with this as he thought they could be manipulated into thinking. He's backed away from both statements and has never repeated them since early Feb 2022. . In March 2022 he began his deflection campaign and on the Gold interview started his "I dated a sex worker" narrative. This has mostly held until just last month when he added an adjective "briefly" to "dating". This was done on purpose and meant to further minimise what he had done.

    Since he's still saying he has dated a sex worker in Thailand, I'd like to submit my drawing to the class.

  • Dagney
    The reality is he doesn't see anything wrong with either of those facts. He hasn't apologised because he isn't sorry. He'd do it again, albeit under a huge cloak of secrecy this time round.


    From the very beginning we witnessed how self unaware he was. He was a victim of everybody, you name it, his family, his upbringing, his marriage, the WT, eventually the biggest baddest of them all...Kim Silvio.

    The truth is he is/was too weak to actually go out and live the life he wanted. He is/was too lazy to go his own way and earn a living without the grift and his friends/marriage. Just a man baby.

    The thing is most of us have done what he was too weak and lazy to do, and don't have any of the problems LE does.

  • ozziepost
    The truth is he is/was too weak to actually go out and live the life he wanted. He is/was too lazy to go his own way and earn a living without the grift and his friends/marriage

    This got me curious, what was his occupation when he lived in the UK, when he was a JW ?

    i assume he must have worked at something at one time. After all, he has only been a novice elder for a short time and presumably the local BOE must have been satisfied that he was ‘of good repute’ and ‘not lazy’.

    Anyway, just curious. What a drama-filled life he has made!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    This got me curious, what was his occupation when he lived in the UK, when he was a JW ?

    In his book he relates that his art school degree was a general one and he failed to find a job in any related field. He worked a series of dead end office jobs obtained through a temp company. His ex-brother-in-law ran a landscaping business and Lloyd is listed on those incorporation papers, so he was involved to some extent in that.

    On his long deleted translation site, he claimed he was uniquely qualified for legal translation because he worked as a filing clerk in a UK law office.

    Might also be why he thinks he knows the law better than anyone.

  • Simon
    On his long deleted translation site, he claimed he was uniquely qualified for legal translation because he worked as a filing clerk in a UK law office.

    Reality: his wife spoke two languages and he could take advantage of members of the local congregation for cheap labor.

    An art degree, ha! You may as well go to an interview and show them your 25 yard bronze swimming certificate for the use that would be. It's a do-nothing placeholder for people who can't decide or be bothered to do any proper studying.

    He is skill-less, and work-shy, no wonder he doesn't have any employment record to speak of. He's pretty much unemployable because besides the lack of skills he has a complete lack of work ethic and would inevitably be a liability for any company that employed him.

    Landscaping / lawn-care seemed to be the latest "earn a bit but still claim benefits" scam that JWs did when we left the UK. It's perfect for them - employ local JWs, pay them minimum wage (or less) and let the government top it up. Lots of cash payments that probably don't get declared.

  • DerekMoors
    He's pretty much unemployable because besides the lack of skills he has a complete lack of work ethic and would inevitably be a liability for any company that employed him.

    Add to that, he always needs to be the boss. Even with exJW stuff, he wasn't just working with other activists, everyone was "his team." He always has to be right about everything... the Russian ban, protests, stealing CoC, the list goes on.

    Imagine hiring him and trying to give him direction or, god fucking forbid, tell him you're not going to use his suggestions and that he needs to stop bossing around his coworkers. That lard ass wouldn't last a week at a regular job.

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