It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Toblerone5
    Must be having fun in Hollywood CA if he hasn't done a video

    I know the 18 of Dec. he's supposed to do a ''chilled acoustic" at the Uncovered open mic Zagreb... Unless he cancel that too... He's very good at that .

    Well I hope he had a nice trip , 🤞hope he makes a video about that trip to Rub this in the face of his remaining Patreon by the way , cause like some would say in California: " Surf is Up" 🏄 It looks like there will be a Big Wave of Patreon DROP in January ...

  • WingCommander

    That's gold Jerry; GOLD!!!!! LOL!!!!

  • DerekMoors

    My prediction is that we'll see a tiny surge in work from him once he's back from his latest mental health break (ironically, all these breaks and he's still sick in the head). That might mean a tiny uptick in patrons. But, he'll soon burn out since he needs to do all the work and won't be seeing a big payout from it, and things will fall off just as quickly.

    I'm more interested in where he'll be in a year's time. If he couldn't hold onto any gains from his beg-fest, whining about losing Tibor, etc. and is right back to where he started in January of this year, then January 2025 will be very interesting.

  • TonusOH

    KIMSILVIO: Don’t you know Derek, everything’s my fault

    Don't be modest, Kim. Your hate mob forced Evans off Twitter and got his company closed down. That's all you! Rumor has it that you also dyed his hair a greasy yellow shade when he wasn't paying attention and kicked him out of his parents-in-law's house and sold his car whilst his focus was elsewhere!

    Goodness, how many other things are you responsible for? You... you didn't -gasp!- tell him to take up a music and comedy career, did you? Because that's just too much!

    What else have you been up to, in your quest to destroy Evans's life???

  • Toblerone5

    For the Month of October &November it will be very shorth and not sweet...

    Oct : 435 Patreons , 5 Youtube videos (4 Shushi 1 JW Watch Bulletin 🙄wow)

    Nov: Even worst Patreon 422 , 2 videos one voicemails he probably did way before Nov, and a JW Watch from California .

    That was so boring that's why I did this next post

  • Toblerone5
    won't be seeing a big payout from it,

    This is why he should do this😜

    Just in time for the Holidays , Only 13 days left before Christmas folks , Only on " Amazon " (allegedly) Hurry until supplies last , and get your I'M ON A BREAK LLOYD DOLL! sorry ACTION FIGURES

  • DerekMoors

    You buy it, open the box and inside is a note. "Hi folks, sorry for not giving you the item you paid money for but I'm on my fourth or fifth mental health break this month. I promise once I'm back I'll strongly consider thinking about putting my mind to fulfilling my pledges. Unless I don't. Yours in forever suckerhood, Lloyd."

  • Toblerone5

    Derekmoors 🤣🤣🤣

    Guess it will be the same for the Deluxe Edition ...Oh and I forgot the Yellow towel

  • DerekMoors

    Well the Ken doll genitals probably check out.

    What else have you been up to, in your quest to destroy Evans's life???

    well, apparently the list is long! Hot tip - did you know I claimed that he made $3000 per livestream in chats? The truth to that will blow your mind!! Also my fault 🤦‍♀️

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