This is all Vintage Lloyd ™. He takes one comment about a
particular incident and extrapolates it over several others and then
uses it to call you a liar. He's been doing this since he was posting
here and it's probably been this way since he was a child.
What the
commenter was trying to convey to him was the legal concept of people
being only subject to the laws of the nation they are in when the
alleged offence took place. Since three of the 7 are US residents, what
state court official is going to say "Private prosecutor? We never
heard about this and it is not in our legal code... but, since it's
Croatian law and this guy who took offence to your social media posts
lives there, I'm afraid you are liable"?
What Croatian court is
going to say "Why yes Mr Evans, we agree with your contention that the
Croatian Criminal Code is applicable to social media posts and YT videos
made outside Croatia, and these seven people will be tried here as
criminals and judged accordingly"?
But you see how Lloyd turned
that comment into something it was not? He was correct in implying that
US laws and jurisdiction do not apply to HIM, but missed the larger
point that likewise Croatian standards and law are inapplicable outside
their borders. He always does this. He seeks out the ambiguous points or
omissions in every comment made towards him and attempts to blow the
entire thing up because it wasn't worded perfectly or had left a minor
detail out.
This smug attitude and flawed reasoning that is
and remains pervasive throughout his head is why he cannot work a
secular job with a standard chain of command. It's impossible to
correct him even on the slightest of errors and he quickly turns his
wrath on others. He'd never make it through the probationary period at
any company. They'd quickly deduce that he's there to be obeyed and
will cause trouble for anyone not in line with his dictates.