It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mikejw

    Wally here correctly points out how wrong Lloyd is saying that this new light about last min door of opportunity is a nothing burger.

    I suspect Lloyd is so late to the party as usual he thought he would say it’s a nothing burger because everyone else who is exjw commenter is jumping on this.

    Wally is correct it’s huge. You can sit back and wait to see if JWs were right then the door is still open.

    How on Earth can Lloyd say this is a nothing burger

  • Toblerone5
    I still believe he will come back to daddy elder with the big house in aflouent Wilmslow

    I wouldn't be surprised when is dad dies he would get the house ,and maybe then he would moved back to the U.K.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz
    How do you know his sister is on benefits

    Mike jw, I'm from.the same congregation and yes his family is in the clique and nothing is impossible for them

  • Toblerone5

    Thank you MikeJW for the wally video. This is a comment that someone wrote on Wally Youtube video that made me 🤣.

  • TonusOH

    I thought apostates were not able to get back in? Of course, it's a separate issue with him. I'm sure that the only people who didn't hate him were those who didn't get to know him. I wonder how long it would take him to alienate whoever was willing to talk to him, if he was reinstated. Maybe someone could arrange a get-together with Geoffrey!

  • Mikejw

    In the past apostates could come back, but these days the internet is a more permanent situation.

    I doubt someone who made apostate content and did not remain anonymous could ever come back. The CO would consult the branch and they would keep saying no.

  • Thisismein1972
    his family is in the clique

    They must have money then. That's what I realized, those who have money make it to elder status.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    They must have money then.

    They are not. In the book he described his father as an unsuccessful salesman who was often unemployed. His mum would often have to take up side jobs like a nanny or housecleaner to make ends meet.

  • slimboyfat

    If Watchtower really is now teaching that it’s not necessary to accept the truth and become a JW before the great tribulation, then what’s the point of being JW? I mean apparat from if you enjoy it, if it has no bearing on whether you’ll ultimately survive Armageddon then what’s to stop people taking the option of sitting back and waiting?

    Why would they make this change? I can’t think of any financial or legal motivation, as behind so many of their changes, so why do it? It doesn’t make any sense.

  • Simon

    They might have gotten feedback that recruitment is harder because of people reasoning that God is really an asshole if he's going to be killing a shit-ton of people who never had a chance to learn "the truth".

    Religiots have no winning argument when it comes to addressing this issue.

    People generally find psychopathic killers unappealing. It's an easier sell that he's a "loving god" (the fundamental cornerstone of the whole belief system) if he gives people a chance.

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