It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2952 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I just watched the TikTok videos. I don’t think he’s on drugs when he took them. I do think he’s retarded though.

    He is getting some serious bags under his eyes and filming that close demonstrates how ugly he is.

    He is also STILL using his kids as props though. As someone as so hated as he is, why bring any of that upon his children? They have half of his genes so I think they have suffered enough. If there is anything Evans-related I’d ever consider supporting, it’d be for plastic surgery if any of his daughters inherit his nose.

  • ElderBerry
    He is also STILL using his kids as props though. As someone as so hated as he is, why bring any of that upon his children?

    The kids aren’t old enough to google their biological dad yet. Apparently they have a step dad now,

    He will help the girls see all the letters and the truth about their biological parent.

    At this point they will be discusted with him and treat him as Jaws used to treat disfellowshipped ones.

    he will then move back to the UK.

  •  Debra

    A new step dad wow well done to dijana wonder what he thinks of that

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