It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3076 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    So I just received this in my email. Has he been any help...No

    Jabba the Hutt has a long history of congratulating himself for everything from a job well done to touching people’s lives. It seems to be a kink with him that is almost as powerful as the one he has for Thai ladyboys. JW Survey had been up maybe 2 or 3 years and he came up with “JW Survey Day” on the anniversary of its founding and asked people to submit comments of how much Lloyd had positively affected their lives. If you don’t believe me, the link is here. He describes in detail three different ways people can join him in celebrating a holiday he created for himself!

    Even better was this response:

    There was even a “Thank You Lloyd” video a few years later that people like Mark O’Donnell, Javier Ortiz, and I believe even Kim Silvio recorded segments for, praising Lloyd for all his good deeds that he (Tibor) spliced together for a compilation video. That’s how he views himself. The fact that hardly any of the people appearing on that video feel the same way now is testament to the fact that he’s an asshole.

    Seeing how the last begging stunt didn’t work and how he had to go back to making videos, he’s likely planning the same congratulatory video montage to create the illusion he is still hard at work saving lives and people just love him. FYI - Jim Jones made the same kind of videos where people praised him.

  •  Debra

    Fishing for compliments now that's an all time low

  • slimboyfat
    Many people leave JWs and are better for it. Some leave and it turns out for the worse. Others stay in for various reasons with mixed results. I don't see leaving or staying as unqualified achievements on themselves, it's how you go about it and how you treat people along the way. He views the number of deconversions to his credit as a kind of badge of honour, but people who leave and go on to treat people the way he has treated his family, and slave workers in his business, and at a various resorts, might as well not bother and it's not anything to shout about just because you "left" or supposedly got someone else to leave.
  • WingCommander

    He just can't get his ass kissed enough!

    More praise!

    More views!

    More narcissistic behaviour!

    More donations!

    More self-help "holidays" to Thailand to visit his definitely not under-18 LadyBoi girlfriends!

    Is there no end to this losers grift?

  • ElderBerry

    Looks like Lardy boy finally got hold of leaked elders school as usual long time after all the other apostate channels have already done commentary videos.

    I noticed he repeats and steals the best points from others who were ahead of him. Then he seems to get the credit even though he is always the last to talk about these things.

    also noticed his bitter jealousy when talking about these happy couple in the leaked videos. He keeps saying the brother only just started ironing his own shirts, this is very telling. Are you lonely Lardy boy? Are you bitter that you don’t have a woman to iron your shirts anymore? Come on we all know you read this thread.

    maybe you shouldn’t have betrayed your family with sex workers and maybe you shouldn’t have been sexting underage girls?????

  • TonusOH

    ElderBerry: Are you bitter that you don’t have a woman to iron your shirts anymore?

    I am imagining a day in the near future, where he pays a sex worker to dress up as a maid, only to demand that she actually clean his apartment.

  •  Debra

    no I can't see him actually paying someone to clean for him he will expect it done for free

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