It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3062 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    Probably indicative of the kind of people inclined to keep sending him patron money too, over 300 of them. The mind boggles, even though it's down from nearly 900 it's still a remarkable number.

    YouTuber Boogie lost 90% of his patrons and over 90% of his audience when he unmasked himself, but it took a few years. That's probably where LE is ultimately headed. Even when he stops YouTube altogether there will probably still be 5% sending him money, and he'll keep collecting as long as they're stupid enough to keep sending it.

  • Mikejw

    49 mins into his latest livestream Arther says yea let’s get the old panel back together then Lloyd has an u comfortable laugh and says I’m not sure all the old panelist’s would come back

    then Arther says well let’s call it the current iteration

  •  Debra

    Did he get alot of money during the livestream

  • pr0ner

    Lloyd is cooked. The fact that he tried to move to TikTok which has the best algo for being seen and he could only manage to get like 60 followers is all the evidence I needed.

    As others have said he will still make money off of legacy content and clearly he'll keep his hardcore fans but he's proven he can't actually reinvent himself. No matter how he dyes his air or looses a bit of weight he's still the exact same person underneath.

    He was exposed and can't undue it.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    The link for his case in the Croatian legal system is dead. I know we had a couple posters here plus Kim Silvio who had engaged a Croatian attorney for the purpose of obtaining documents before.

    Has the case been dismissed? They were looking for him at his ex-wife’s home last I heard and his mail had been returned to the court. Perhaps this is why he pulled the last begging stunt, knowing his name will never be cleared? Did this contribute to the deterioration of his mental health? He sounded fairly cocky about the chances for success, at one point threatening people directly who were named about seeing them in court.

  • pr0ner

    It must have gotten thrown out...can you use the wayback machine with that link and see when it was last active?

  • Journeyman
    The link for his case in the Croatian legal system is dead.

    Interesting! According to this page, there were still no updates since the last submission and the change of judge in the case last summer?

  • Journeyman

    The above link includes this:

    Which according to Google translates as:


    • Date of initiation of procedure - 02.05.2022
    • Date of last award - 13.06.2024 - judge Ljuba Crnković
    • Date of the decision -
    • Date of shipment -
    • Date of archiving -
    • Term of keeping files -

    (Edited due to accidental double post)


    The case was dead before it opened. It’s not closed but he has done nothing since June last year because he knows the case is dead. This case could (and probably will) sit there until 2028 as the court will not close for failure to prosecute until 6 years from the date of the incident. Lloyd knows this. What others think about this, what people think of Lloyd, what people think was his motivation for lodging this, whether his (and other) actions were an attempt to intimidate people into silence is up to each person. What can never change and never will are the facts.

    My intention was to provide information so that current and future members of our community could be informed and make a decision for themselves. Every single time I get an email notification that someone has accessed the legal documents that put on my file share, I feel a sense of calm that I did the right thing.

  •  Debra

    Yes you absolutely DID do the right thing and it was up to each person individually what to do or think of the disclosure you didnt influence the reaction of the people he did that himself

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