It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Anyone got a clear picture of what Wendy said?

    It says:

    Mark O’Donnell does his own work, he can pay his own way. Why should Lloyd pay him? He tucked his tail and ran at the first sign of possible trouble. He doesn’t deserve any respect. Wait til the court proves the false allegations and defamation. Wait until Silvio is proven to be the liar that she is. O’Donnell should be ashamed of himself. He doesn’t deserve any respect.

    Wendy: You repeated the same sentence twice in the same short paragraph: “He doesn’t deserve any respect”. Also, the court doesn’t prove or disprove allegations. That’s up to the “private prosecutor”, James Lloyd Evans. He hasn’t even gotten round to showing the court evidence other than his word that these seven people defamed him.

  • Thisismein1972

    Just think. After this episode and his constant threats of litigation through the years, if he ever tries this again, he will never be taken seriously again.

    The manchild who cried wolf too many times.

  • TonusOH

    I think his patrons are starting to think like Wendy: "Lloyd does his own work, he can pay his own way."

  • Tamalam

    How are things going with the croation lawyer and funding?

    I (and I'm sure many others) more than ready to help chip in if costs are mounting.

  • ForeverAlone
    How are things going with the croation lawyer and funding?
    I (and I'm sure many others) more than ready to help chip in if costs are mounting.

    I second that. Just say the word and my money is there immediately.

  • DerekMoors
    How are things going with the croation lawyer and funding?
    I (and I'm sure many others) more than ready to help chip in if costs are mounting.

    Mum's the word from us as we're letting Kim "take the lead" [gag LOL] on releasing info as she can, but rest assured things are moving along swimmingly.

    Speaking for us, we deeply appreciate the offer of funds and will definitely let people know if we need to take anyone up on that. I'd like to keep that open to the whole M7 group, if they need any further legal advice or action, I don't like the idea of them having to foot the bill themselves. I'm sure we can work it all out moving forward, as needed.

    Hopefully Kim can release info soon enough and we appreciate everyone's patience in the meantime!

  • Simon

    I third it. In fact, I demand that someone tell us where we can contribute the money to help cover the expenses from this. People have had expenses due to doing the right thing, not to mention the stress and inconvenience from all of it. Some thing are worthy of community contributions because we know real work was done and people involved are not profiteering.

  • Diamondfrog

    I fourth that. Happy to contribute if needed.

  • Journeyman

    Hmm... how has his Patreon just jumped up by nearly 100 members? It was at 439 the other day...


    Sorry I’m late reporting (Derek started it with the use of cult phrases).

    here is the latest - note: once you read this you will no doubt have another question. The answer is I don’t have any further information but we are working on the next stage 👍

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