It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors

    Just found this on IG and made me think of certain things...

  • Diogenesister

    .....that's a lyric to a song....can't think whatπŸ€”πŸ€”

  • Jehalapeno
    Hmm... how has his Patreon just jumped up by nearly 100 members? It was at 439 the other day...

    He opened a free tier! Ugh

  • usualusername1

    I have been looking at Lloyds YouTube membership at social blade.

    Each peak below is a jump of 1000 members. It is not organic growth.

    What is genuine about Lloyd?

  • Chinapomo

    I hope Lloyd is actually buying subscribers, both on YouTube and on Patreon (I don't buy the fact that he organically gained 20% patreon overnight, even if it's a free tier).

    Buying fake followers/subscribers is totally within his character and it's the ultimate retarded move because it kills your account just for the sake of seeing some fake numbers.

    Just want to add that it's quite funny to see how Lloyd "forgot" to propose some sort of penalty for the "criminal defendants" and the judge pointed that out.

    Lloyd you are and absolute clown

  • Ron.W.
    He opened a free tier! Ugh

    What does the 'free tier' actually give you??

  • Diogenesister
    Jehalepino He opened a free tier! Ugh

    πŸ˜’Yup. You can still see there's 439 paid members currently. He's hoping people will accidently press paid membership and (like me) will automatically re route to pay Pal or similar.

    It's incredible in his recent between holiday message to his patrons he's literally telling them that not only will he dramatically drop the amount of content he produces (if that's possible already!) but that he intends to finish with Jehovahs Witness content altogether at some point!!! Yet still they pay! Can they get more brainwashed?!πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

    Ron What does the 'free tier' actually give you??

    Nothing as far as I can see, except his messages (which I think I could see anyway). You don't even access the Discord server.

  • DerekMoors
    You can still see there's 439 paid members currently.

    Where do you see that? I see a dropdown for all the posts he made, according to tiers. But I don't see where it shows free vs. paid patrons.

    Oops... never mind, found it on the About page.

  • Ron.W.

    Methinks our fantastic patreoff is really biting his humongous ass and seriously bugging him - why else would he do this!!πŸ‘

  • DerekMoors

    Plus he needs applause almost as much as he needs money. He wants to see that number go up so he's reminded of how many people admire him.

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