It has to be noted that others were also involved in Pyramidology, Russell was not the conceptual originator more of one of whom commercialized the idea.
The first work of importance on the subject, proving that the Great Pyramid possessed scientific features,
was by Mr. John Taylor, of England, A.D. 1859, since which time the
attention of many able minds has been given to the further study of the
testimony of this wonderful "Witness"; especially
since Prof. Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer-Royal for Scotland, visited it, for
several months made its peculiarities a study and gave to the world the
remarkable facts of its construction and measurements, and his
conclusions therefrom. To his scholarly and scientific work, "Our
Inheritance in the Great Pyramid," we are mainly indebted for the data
made use of in this chapter. Our illustrations are copies of a few of
the twenty-five plates with which the latest edition of that work is
A few years after Prof. Smyth's return, came
the suggestion that the Great Pyramid is Jehovah's "Witness," and that
it is as important a witness to divine truth as to natural science.
This was a new thought to Prof. Smyth, as well as to others. The
suggestion came from a young Scotsman, Robert Menzies, who, when
studying the scientific teachings of the Great Pyramid, discovered that
prophetic and chronological teachings coexist in it.
Soon it became apparent that the object of its
construction was to provide in it a record of the divine plan of
salvation, no less than the record of divine wisdom relating to
astronomical, chronological, geometrical, and other important truths.
However, not having discerned the scope and completeness of the plan of
salvation revealed in the Scriptures, these gentlemen have thus far
failed to note the most wonderful and beautiful features of the Great
Pyramid's testimony in this direction, which we now find to be a most
full and complete corroboration of the plan of the ages and the times
and seasons therewith associated, as taught in the Scriptures and
presented in this and the preceding volumes of the Scripture Studies
series. And, further, we see that this storehouse of knowledge, like
the major part of the Bible store, was kept purposely sealed until its
testimony should be needed and appreciated. Does this imply that its
great Architect knew that a time would come when its testimony
would be necessary? In other words, that a time would come when God's
written Word would be lightly esteemed, and even his very existence
questioned? when human philosophy, under the name of science, would be
lauded and every proposition subjected to its tests? Has God decided to
prove himself and his wisdom by those very tests? So it would appear.
This structure will yet confound the wisdom of the wise as a "Witness"
for the Lord of hosts--"IN THAT DAY"--which is already begun.
Prof. Smyth has concluded that the Great
Pyramid was built in the year 2170 B.C., reaching this conclusion,
first, from astronomical observations. Perceiving that the upward
passage angles correspond to a telescope, and that the "Entrance
Passage" corresponds to an astronomer's "pointer," he set about to
investigate to what particular star it could have pointed at any time in
the past. Calculations showed that
a Draconis,
the dragon-star, had occupied a position in the heavens which looked
directly down the entrance, at midnight of the autumnal equinox, B.C.
2170. Then, considering himself as an astronomer at that date, with his
pointer fixed upon
a Draconis, and
considering the ascending passages as though they were a telescope,
which they much resemble, he calculated what constellation or what
notable star would have been before his telescope thus fixed at the
particular date indicated by his pointer, and found that it must have
been the Pleiades. So wonderful a coincidence convinced him that the
date of the Great Pyramid's building was thus indicated; for
a Draconis is no less a symbol of sin and Satan than
is a symbol of God and the center of the universe. The Great Pyramid
thus indicates that its Architect knew of the prevalence of evil and of
its domination over the downward course of mankind, and indicates also
what lies beyond all human sight--that the only hope for the race is in