Turn out the lights the party is over

by Crazyguy 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy

    I think the reason the Borg really went on a cost cutting move and is selling off all thier buildings has become obvious. The cult is telling people that there fast growing but then the numbers seem to indicate about a 1% growth rate. This would give them roughly 800,000 new baptized ones in ten years give or take do to the small increase per year from previous gains. Then on the other hand at least 250,000 are leaving, dying or being dfd. This gives us a total of 2.5 million that's 1,700,000 in the negative.

    I know this has been talked about before but it's always nice to hear some good news!! There loosing 2 million per decade. How long can that's last.

  • steve2

    Their growth heyday is well and truly over. In many Western countries, growth of new active JWs has floundered for a good 15 or more years.

  • sparky1

    Turn out the lights the party is over...............yes but who will clean up the mess left by the Watchtower religion?

  • joe134cd

    What amazes me is the time and effort they put into finding new desciples as opposed to the time they put into after care and retention of its existing members. It's like they just don't wanna learn. Because its their policies they have in place for retaining their members that is sadly letting them down. I know, I know. I shouldn't be giving them such good advice.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    'You traverse land and sea to make one disciple and make him a subject for Gehenna twice as much as yourself.'

  • aintenoughwiskey

    The WT Corporation treats women with contept, and cant attract or keep western men. The sucking noise will only grow louder. They are like a man with a gaping hole in his boat, yelling at everyone BALE FASTER. The begging, and eratic behavior is just getting started.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Lets face it the WT has been loosing money for quite sometime now no doubt soon after they went to giving away printed material and the congregations were supposed to make up the cost or their literature would request suspended.

    I'm sure it has been a losing battle for quite some time with a ray of fiscal sunshine over many building projects which they could cash in on during hard times but even that has been scuttled do to negative funds and now lawsuits up the wazoo. NIGHTMARE PHASE OF RUNNING A CORPORATION ON WISHFUL THINKING I think is upon them.

    The party is definitely over for the WT corporation I would think. Would be nice to see those lying bastards behind bars some day soon.

  • LV101

    I recall in 1989 witnesses asking how I learned about the "truth" and it was shocking to them when new ones joined. More than a couple told me it was rare to have new members and only baptisms/growth were the born-ins. Maybe they were comparing it to the 70s or previous growth times.

  • no-zombie

    While we have the benefit of hindsight, the die for the society's demise was clearly set when it changed from being a bible focused organization to a publishing (printing) company. High on the belief that the mass production of magazines was going save mankind, all that it ended up making was the cheap plastic judeo-christian clones we see around us today. Ones who in reality can't even help themselves, let a lone other people.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, educated people do not buy into the message.

    Sadly, uneducated people or those in developing lands eat it up....

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