Turn out the lights the party is over

by Crazyguy 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Xanthippe
    those in developing lands eat it up....

    I'm not so sure anymore. Anglican and Catholic missionaries used to make rice Christians, build schools and hospitals, but JWs are offering nothing but empty promises. Poor people in developing countries aren't that stupid now, they need to feed and educate their kids. Plus secular organisations are offering them more in practical aid now.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS has to deal with over a hundred years of bad proclamations and promises concerning the return of Christ and a new system of things to replace what humanity has to deal with now.

    From a theological viewpoint they positioned themselves as false prophets running their publishing house.who have sold a tainted commercialized Gospel.

    So what do they now ?

    You down size the physical operations and curtail the money financial part of the organization to sustain itself and the people who are living off the organization.

    Its now moving into an organization that wants and needs to sustain itself.

    Part of that sustenance is to build a taller wall around its adherents and look after the money with careful scrutiny.

  • careful

    Its now moving into an organization that wants and needs to sustain itself.

    Part of that sustenance is to build a taller wall around its adherents and look after the money with careful scrutiny.

    Fink, well said!

  • scratchme1010

    There loosing 2 million per decade. How long can that's last.

    People or dollars? Doubt that it's dollars. They do have a plan, they are in the real estate business and that move is going really well. They will continue sucking up the lives and money from their people until there's none. Then tjey will just close, leave, and reinvent themselves and start over again.

    For them being the kind of cult that predicts the end of the world, their longevity has actually been quite good.

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