here is a scenario: the older GB die off, and are replaced with younger ones who declare as well intended as the old leadership was, they got it wrong because they were delusional and God had not use the old gang at all, but his spirit is now upon them, the REAL faithful slave.
How Will They End 1914 Teaching?
by EmptyInside 282 Replies latest watchtower bible
Disillusioned JW
World War I (originally called the Great War) did bring an end to many kingdoms (that is, governments headed by a human king), with them being replaced by democratic republics and socialist republics. The WT could (as did at least one Bible Student group, such as Layman's Home Missionary Movement) say that 1914 was the beginning of end of human monarchies (rule by a human king or queen) and that thus Russell was partly right about 1914. They could thus still claim 1914 as a marker for the beginning of the time of end, and at the same time they could stop saying that Christ began his kingdom over the Earth in 1914. [I am not saying the time of the end began then, only that they could still get away with teaching it began then.] They could thus scale back the alleged significance of 1914. Many Bible churches (including fundamentalist ones) in the USA teach that the world is in the last days even though they don't give a date as to when the last days began. The 1914 date is thus not really needed by the WT.
Furthermore, they can still claim that Jesus began favoring them in a special way starting in 1919. [I am not saying that the 1919 teaching is true, only that they could still get away with saying that Christ began favoring them in a special way in 1919 (such as helping them to: win court cases, abandon certain false doctrines, abandon certain practices, intensify their preaching work) - even if they cease to say Christ became king over Earth in 1914.]
If human society ever gets to the point where there are no more human monarchies then the WT could somewhat convincingly claim that Jesus Christ is the only king over the Earth. [I am not saying Christ is king, only that the WT could then make the claim that Jesus is the only king over the Earth.]
There is no need to ditch the 1914 teaching as it is based on solid exegesis of relevant biblical texts fulfilling Bible prophecy such as the historic and prophetic 'Gentile Times' and the inauguration of God's Kingdom with the latter doctrine thematic throughout the Bible.
Further, 1he 1914 teaching is firmly established on wondrous Bible Chronology which proved beyond doubt that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE rather than the secular dates of 586/587 and 588 BCE all of which have been proposed by various scholars
The 1914 teaching forms part of an eschatological triennium: 1914, 1918 and 1919 CE all of which are descriptive of the development and existence of God's people during the 'time of the end' according to Daniel the Prophet and the Apostle John the Revelation and Lukan Eschatology.
In short, the 1914 teaching is firmly founded, enshrined by leading expositors in the past and validated by the fulfilment of Bible Prophecy pertaining to the Sign of the Parousia.
scholar JW emeritus
they ditch 1914, they'll have to ditch the Gentile Times prophecy, and the Last Days in general
No, the implication is that the events came to pass. A shift from the importance of date to the events. So the exact date is not important anymore because the events prove the date. However, since there is testimonial of evidence by the anointed that they experienced the sign occurring in 1914, are the going to say that they saw but they don’t know when? That is not what WT means. What they mean is that although they experienced the sign in 1914, that is all they can testify to because they cannot see Satan actually kicked out and the moment when that happened. But since there are events that substantiate the date and testimony of the sign, how are they going to say that never happened.
Quibbling over exegeses and chronology will not remedy the passage of time or undo its damage to teachings that sprang from the 1914 chronology and the alleged proximity of the end.
Where, for example are the people who where told point blank in 1935 that they were the great multitude?
The last person I knew who was there and remembered that event died of old age in the late 1970's
Quibbling over exegeses and chronology will not remedy the passage of time or undo its damage to teachings that sprang from the 1914 chronology and the alleged proximity of the end.
Where, for example are the people who where told point blank in 1935 that they were the great multitude?
The last person I knew who was there and remembered that event died of old age in the late 1970's
True we have to deal with the passage of time and many generations have come and passed without seeing the fulfilment of events prophesied and that is really part of Salvation History. However, Jesus Christ admonished His disciples to 'Keep on the Watch' and gave them work to do and that is what the Witnesses since 1919 have been doing- the Lord's work and being ever watchful and the said scholar intends to do likewise!!
scholar JW
I'm afraid that answer doesn't remedy the damage to some very important JW teachings specific to the "time of the end" including, but not limited to the Ransom and how it applies to Christians today.
I also think it's a little blasé by implication if nothing else. How would you explain to a survivor of Auschwitz that what they were told in 1935 was wrong?
Realistically, I don't suppose you could (Not without repercussions) as the JW's (As recently as 2019) were still hailing the 1935 convention as a bright flash of light.
If they know what’s good for them. My advice would be just stop mentioning it, and hope that with the passing of time it will be forgotten.
teachings that sprang from the 1914
Regardless of mistaken conclusions about the proximity of the end, the eyewitness testimony and the events believed to fulfill Bible prophecy substantiate 1914 —as JW see it. What to say now, nothing happened in 1914? The date is written in stone for JW.
I also think it's a little blasé by implication if nothing else. How would you explain to a survivor of Auschwitz that what they were told in 1935 was wrong?
Realistically, I don't suppose you could (Not without repercussions) as the JW's (As recently as 2019) were still hailing the 1935 convention as a bright flash of light.
The year was a major milestone in Biblical Theology, especially in the field of Eschatology whereupon we received an understanding concerning the modern-day identity of the 'Great Crowd' described in Revelation 7:9 which has proved to serve as nourishing spiritual food for successive generations of God's people right up to the present day.Indeed the brightest of all flashing lights!!!
scholar JW