ExJws Should Know Better Than To Just Accept Things And Follow The Leader

by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I would think that exjws would exercise more critical thinking than not. Now we are thrust in this “ world” and take sides on social issues and politics.

    Just because our government leaders say something it doesn’t mean it’s right. Just because the majority of the news media tells us how we should think, it doesn’t mean we have to follow.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Kant knew that meaningless contradictions were the result of the 'dialectic method' (thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis or black hand, white hand bring them together and you have a grey hand). Despite this Hegel (following Fichte) used this machine of meaningless contradictions and set about convincing others that the nature of reality and the history of mankind was a meaningless contradiction.

    Marx impressed by Hegel used dialectics in his book published in 1867 Das Kapital. Engels retooled the dialectic for Marx (he made it non-idealistic) and together they called this the 'philosophy of dialectical materialism.'

    Dialectic materialism has played a prominent role on the world stage. In today's contentious political argument dialectics may mean 'how we ought to perceive things, know them and interpret them as good or bad.' Therefore it can mean religion and morals. Or it can mean that everything outside of one's perception is interconnected, contradictory and dynamic (spiritual, becoming something, he causes to become, JHWH). Or it can just mean a discourse.

    Whatever it means, Hegel said that dialectic is the method by which human history unfolds. Histroy progresses, it becomes something in the present tense.

    1137 AD - Hermetic thinker Joachim de Fiore born. He was a Calabrian monk who developed mystical theory of history that came to excercise an influence on German Pietism and Hegel.

    Circa 1200 Joachim Fiore theorized the dawn of a new era based on his interpretation of verses in the Book of Revelation when the Order of the Just would rule. Joachim distinguished between the "reign of justice" or of "law", in an imperfect society, and the "reign of freedom" in a perfect society. He wrote of parousia and a new age of Holy Spirit. Members of the spiritual wing of the Franciscan order acclaimed him as a prophet.

  • minimus

    Anna what the hell are you talking about? It’s medication time.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Following a leader and taking sides - if you take sides but both sides are meaningless, you just get meaningless contradiction. Or put it another way if you follow the pot that's calling the kettle white or black, where will that get you?

    And if you think Hegel's stuff sounds bonkers, then yes you have understood it correctly. It is bonkers. That is the point.

    And I'm pointing you in the direction Hegel got his ideas from which - ie the Franciscans who like the WTBS used the concept of Parousia which WTBS base their authority on.

  • Finkelstein

    Herd mentality can be a dangerous thing to happen, its what created the JWS cult and other known cults.

    Thinking about what is being said or taught by established positioned leaders with open minded scrutiny is necessary for the overall benefit of the population to which these leaders have power and control over.

    There has to be a created balance from different perspectives to make the best appealing decision.

    The real key to making this work fluently is drawing information from all sources not singularly from one which may be composed with a structured and supportive bias.

  • frozen2018

    Critical thinking is a skill and like any other skill it needs to be learned. The last place one learns about critical thinking is in a Kingdom Hall. When someone leaves the jw church the ability to think critically doesn't automatically manifest itself. Keep in mind that the first step of critical thinking is to ask questions. If someone has spent 20, 30, 40 or more years in jw land, where asking questions is pretty much forbidden, learning that vital first step will take some time.

  • Finkelstein

    What religious cults do is indoctrinate people with formulated ideas that seem so appealing to the listener that posing questionable scrutiny to these ideas are willing cast aside or repelled. Support those ideas with fear and ignorance and you have a highly controlling religious cult with devoted and subservient followers.

    For example the JWS religion promises immorality and redemption from sin, with the addition of living in a soon to come earthly paradise.

    Sounds pretty good doesn't it from a emotional and ideological perspective ?

    Then it is said that people who reject this propagation are deemed evil and rebellious against god's will and purpose.

  • phoenixrising

    Leftists don't thank and you are criticized if you think. Lets take the before the protest. You must stay inside and isolate. You must not even have a funeral. bla bla bla. The protests and now march its fine no worry's here. Then Trump wants a rally and suddenly its How dare he he is killing millions. LOL They don't even know how utterly stupid they are.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    (2 Timothy 3:3) . . .not open to any agreement. . .

  • Finkelstein

    Ex-JWS should have inherently sharpen skills in identifying bullshit, disingenuous propaganda and corruption, they were involved in a religion that was all about those things.

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